Welcome to this 6-PART mini course. This is part one.
Part 1: What is a Brand and Why Does it Matter?
Let me ask you something. How do people recognise you?
This might seem like a bit of a dumb question – but stay with me for a second.
A friend meet you in the street and they recognise you because they know what you look like – right?
In the crowd, they know your face and you know theirs.
But what about in the real online world where no-one can see you?
Online, you're not even a face in the crowd – you are one in a billion.
You're only one website, one facebook page or one product in a sea of products that look just like you.
How are you going to stand out? Let me show you.
Do you know who THIS is?

Yes, it is Apple computers because by now the Apple logo is burned into your brain.
And people will pay a ton more money for a computer or smart phone with an Apple logo on it that what they will for a unknown brand
BUT it is not just about picking any old logo.
How do you think Apple will have turned out with THIS logo?

No, it is not a joke – this was Apples FIRST logo in 1976.
The original logo from 1976 featured a hand drawn image of Isaac Newton under an Apple tree.
The first Apple logo did look a little “classic” for a high tech computer company – don’t you think?
Luckily Steve Jobs decided a redesign the logo almost immediately.
But why an “apple”?
Obviously when one look at the first logo it’s easy to tie its influence to Isaac Newton. But what is the truth?
Some say that Steve Jobs wanted a company name that would appear near the top of alphabetical lists. Apple sounds fine.
But other think the apple represent something more; the fruit of knowledge, based on the Adam & Eve story.
It doesn’t really matter; logos may change over time but the BRAND stays!
Here is how Apple changed it logo in the last 40 years.

This is part one of a 6-Part course on Brand Your Business. Lets move on.
When you think of any big company, the brand is probably the first thing to come to mind.
In fact, there are very few successful businesses that don’t have a prominent brand and it’s hard to imagine how a company could get big without investing in its image and creating an identify for itself.
Despite this, many small businesses don’t take the necessary time to create a strong brand and a strong identity that they can use to drive their organization forward.
Often it comes down a lack of understanding. Not only do many businesses and entrepreneurs not understand how branding works; many also don’t understand just how important branding is.
Companies With No Identity
It’s not hard to find companies that lack brands when you browse the Intent. You cab see from a mile that they haven’t invested the right time or effort into their branding.
These are the websites that look horribly bland and generic: probably with dark blue and black writing on a white background.
Things like this don’t exactly scream excitement and it calls to mind an image of a couple of “dreamers” who put together an uninspired business with no aims of growing.
They provide their service, no bells attached and then they move onto the next client – forgetting about the old.
It’s actually kind of depressing…
Companies With LOTS of Identity
Now think about the companies that have become international house-hold names.
These companies have exciting names like ‘Apple’, ‘Adidas’, ‘Coca-Cola’, ‘Nike’, ‘Microsoft’, ‘Red Bull’, “BMW” and they have interesting and unique logos.
Many of these logos have gone on to become almost cultural symbols and are now emblazoned on t-shirts and scrawled onto homework diaries around the world.
The websites are in-keeping with this, so are the adverts and even the products conform to an identity.
People look for these brands now as a sign of quality and because they know what to expect. Some people even consider themselves ‘fans’ of these brands and get behind them 100%.
Seth Godin, best selling author, brilliant entrepreneur, and famous for his theories on Permission Marketing, calls this TRIBE BUILDING.
In fact, the concept of TRIBE building is so brilliant that the South Africa Chamber Of Entrepreneurs (SACE) launched a project recently to help local entrepreneurs to build TRIBES of their own.
This project is called the B2B Online Tribe Building System.
You can download a free information pack from SACE on this project and how it works. Click HERE to be re-directed to the download page at SACE.
In shot SACE say: “For a small fee we are going to give the complete B2B Online Tribe Building System to a few local entrepreneurs - lock-stock-and-barrel - AND then give them 45-days to “Test Drive” the system, and if they like it, they get a Video Commercial Dealership 100% free.”
- The point is; Brands makes your company smart and more recognizable.
- A good brand makes it easy to build a tribe of raving fans.
- A brand gives your business a vision that will drive you forward and that will win you more fans (that will increase your tribe)
- When you have a TRIBE, permission marketing becomes as easy a falling out of a tree.
THIS is the power of branding and TRIBE building and in the rest of this course will cover how to do for your own business.
Coming up next: Part 2 – The Jack Daniel’s TRIBE and how to Choose your Mission Statement and Name
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