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Thread: Can plumbing pipes (copper etc) be installed next to and behind my DB & across my conduit?

  1. #1
    Bronze Member
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    Can plumbing pipes (copper etc) be installed next to and behind my DB & across my conduit?

    Plumber is chasing / breaking open walls and installing water pipes behind DB, next to DB, across my installed conduit from the DB on top and below.

    Apparently there is no specific regulation regarding this issue, i cannot find anything in sans 10142.

    Pse help.

    Tnx - Essie

  2. #2
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    The water pipes need to be bonded properly. See Hot and cold water systems.

  3. #3
    Bronze Member
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    Thanks Dave, I am also concerned with the water pipes running right next to a non-waterproof flash mount DB. What happens when a pipe burst in the wall. Or someone drill a hole near the DB. Or repairs is needed on the water pipes?

    Now my DB (electrical equipment) which did comply with Reg 5.2.8 does not comply anymore because the plumber put pipes criss cross around my DB. His response? I must move the DB.

    5.2.8 Positioning and accessibility of electrical equipment:

    Electrical equipment shall be so positioned that:

    a) it does not impair the functioning or safety of other equipment,
    b) it is readily accessible for installation, replacement, operation, testing,
    inspection, maintenance and repair
    (see and 6.9.4 for the
    main switch). All parts of the installation shall be accessible without
    the need to enter any adjoining premises (for example, in an
    apartment building), Amdt 3

    NOTE Common areas (such as passages and entrance halls) are not regarded as
    adjoining areas.

    c) there is easy access to its location,
    d) it is not likely to be physically damaged, Amdt 3
    e) dust or moisture is not likely to accumulate on live or other parts and
    cause flashover, and Amdt 3

    f) where the distribution board is concealed by a cupboard or other
    covering, the notice for live electrical apparatus referred to in annex Q
    shall be in

  4. #4
    Diamond Member AndyD's Avatar
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    Are you working to a drawing or is it a free-for-all? If he want's you to relocate the DB just ask him for a signed variation order. There's no regs I know of limiting pipework locations because of the future possibility of leaks as such although 5.2.8.e could apply if there's likely to be a condensation issue around the area of the pipes. If they're hindering human access or cable access to the DB or the operation of any part of the DB tell him to shift them or do it for him if he's hesitant. Maybe post a picture so we can see the problem.


  5. #5
    Full Member Electrode's Avatar
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    I have the same concern. My home is old and I also noticed that the DB box is sharing a wall with the shower. This was installed long before my time. My home has a current COC and it passed it. How I don't know. I feel the inspector wasn't up to the task because he couldn't address any of my questions regarding safety. Also the water Pipes located in the roof section runs next to the DB box.

    I am planning to move all plumbing to the outside of the home. This will eradicate damage to the inside of the home entirely. More importantly it will allow for easy maintenance in future.

    What are the laws about that. Can I move my pipes to the outside?
    DISCLAIMER - The above does not constitute to legal advice or formal advice in any manner or form

  6. #6
    Diamond Member AndyD's Avatar
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    You can move your pipes wherever you like as far as I know. Having a DB in the same room as a shower, even if it's outside of the prescribed zones is a bad idea, invariably the condensation takes its toll on the DB over time.


  7. #7
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Electrode View Post
    What are the laws about that. Can I move my pipes to the outside?
    Perhaps more importantly, what are your winter minimum temperatures like?

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