Hi everyone;
i'd like share a new course to you.
Here is an overview relating to it.
It’s Dane Maxwell here — co-founder of The Foundation — the home for entrepreneurs starting from nothing. In a few moments, I want to share with you some of the most important lessons I’ve learned in business… Lessons that have allowed me to become completely financially free, before turning the age of 30.
Lessons that have freed my worries about money, and allow me now, to focus only on the more important things in life. Lessons that have given me complete confidence in starting profitable businesses from scratch, sometimes within just a matter of weeks.
Before that, I wanna give you some background about me, in case you don’t know my story…
How I Built Six Software Businesses That Provide Financial Freedom To Travel The World, Spend Time With Friends And Live Life Exactly How I Want… All Before I Was 30 Years Old
Since 2005, I’ve started 6 profitable software companies, without writing a single line of code myself…
To date, the most successful software — Paperless Pipeline, is pulling in over $90,000/month in revenue. The best part is, my role in the company only requires me to check in one to two hours per month to review the numbers…while the company continues to grow month after month, almost completely hands off.
In fact, since 2012, the company has grown from $40,000/month to $90,000 /month with very little of my involvement — freeing me to pour all my time and energy into The Foundation.
In 2011, I spent three months traveling the world and, when I came home, I had more money in my bank account than when I left. I’ve done the Four Hour Work Week thing…and sipped Mai Tais on the beach, doing nothing all day…And I’ve surfed, sailed, and jet skied the freshest waves in the world…
That life sounds great, and I’m grateful for it…but I’ve found what really makes me happy — what really makes me fulfilled, is helping people escape lives they hate…and create lives they love.
That’s why I co-founded The Foundation with Andy Drish…because the work we do with budding entrepreneurs actually changes lives, as I get to see it happen year after year, in real time.
I’m in a really good place in my life now… However, things were very different when I first got started in business…
How I Got Scammed For $12,000 And Started All Over With Only $123.20 In My Bank Account
When I first started trying to build businesses, I fell flat on my face many more times than I’m proud to admit. By far, I’d say the “ugliest” part of my journey was back in 2006, when I thought I was hot stuff…buying and flipping websites off Flippa.com…making a couple grand here and there, with a tiny bit of hustle.
Then one day, after getting a bit too confident…and a bit too careless…I lost everything. My bank account emptied out to a whopping $123.20, after buying a website for $12,000. It was supposed to earn me a few hundred dollars a day on autopilot. Completely hands off.
But the dude who sold me the website was running some fishy stuff on it. Sneaky tricks so he could put the site up on Flippa for a high price.
When I bought it from him, and plugged my Google Adsense ID to get some cash coming in from ads… Google banned me almost instantly. For fraudulent activity.
I didn’t earn a single penny off that “investment”. And I lost all $12,000 I paid for the website.
It stung. A lot.
I remember breaking the news to my parents and girlfriend at the time.
I was so embarrassed. Because I was acting like such a hotshot just weeks before.
But I learned a lot from the experience.
I looked back and admitted to myself: Flipping websites was a magic bullet solution. It was my version of a “get rich quick” scheme. It was just a way to make fast and easy cash. I didn’t actually care about my customers. I didn’t care about anyone else. I just cared about making money.
After coming across the popular quote by Zig Ziglar, I switched up my game plan forever.
The quote went…
“You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want.”
It was profound. I became determined to provide value. I’d help people. I’d provide solutions.
No more magic bullets.
So I started my very first software business for real estate brokers. The first iteration of Agent Care Centre. I came up with the idea after talking with my uncle who’s a real estate broker. I thought it was brilliant. So it was created.
I was sure brokers all over the world would love it. But they didn’t.
They hated it. Said it was useless. Nobody bought.
I made hundreds of cold calls trying to sell my software for months.
How many sales?
Rejection after rejection, I was ready to throw in the towel on entrepreneurship. I had enough.
I felt like I wasn’t cut out for running a business. I had so many nagging thoughts of getting a job. Just. Give. Up. … I thought. Then it all changed with one phone conversation..
Then it all changed with one phone conversation.
I was trying to sell a guy on Agent Care Centre through the phone. For twenty minutes he was unimpressed. He told me I was wasting his time.
But then a split second later, he found a part of the software he actually liked.
REALLY liked.
He said… “Hold on. Can I get JUST the recruiting portion of this software? That’s all I want.”
I told him… “Yes you can. But don’t you want the ENTIRE thing? Why just the recruiting portion? Is recruiting important to you?”
He replied that it was the ONLY thing he thought about. He obsessed about it. It was his most painful problem.
And it clicked. The lightbulb to change everything.
I realized that what I thought the brokers wanted was VERY different from what they actually wanted.
And you can find out what they want by talking to them. That’s REAL value.
It’s that simple. But I never did it before. Because I was too “me focused”.
I thought I had to be the smart one.
That was the beginning of “Idea Extraction” that has now become one of the core frameworks inside The Foundation:
Talk with your customer to find out what their biggest pain points are. Then use those pain points as business ideas.
The recruiting portion ended up becoming another piece of software called Recruiting Ninja.
It’s still making me money to this day.
Talk to customers. Focus on painful problems. Provide a solution they’re ALREADY dying to buy.
Idea extraction was the key.
With the help of a few books, like “Ultimate Sales Machine” by Chet Holmes, and LOTS of idea extraction calls… my process became refined. Almost to a science.
After that, I took off and built six profitable software companies from scratch, in the real estate niche… without being a Realtor myself.
Idea extraction made the experience feel like a breeze.
I began to systematize the process so I could replicate it, and build businesses almost completely on demand. With no hesitation or doubt.
Since then, I’ve used Idea Extraction and the other principles I’ve learned from building businesses to help over 1500 people from 40+ countries get started in business.
And over and over, when I see people get stuck, it’s almost always because they’ve hit one of these seven obstacles that stop entrepreneurs from building their first business…
The Six Obstacles Stopping Entrepreneurs From Building Their First Business
Here is my library:I'm waiting feedback of everyone.Code:***
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