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Thread: Section 21 Company

  1. #1
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    Section 21 Company

    Hi everyone

    I would like to find out if there is a way to register a section 21 company online, if not can someone direct me in the correct way to go about this.

    Also is a Section 21 company and a Non Profit Organisation considered to be the same thing?


  2. #2
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    A Section 21 company has to be non-profit, but has considerably more requirements than a non-profit organisation. Roughly, it's a bit like comparing Limited Companies with partnerships. One heck of a lot more mandatory requirements and costs.

    Here is the info page on Section 21 companies at CIPRO. Note this little bit:
    Due to the complexity of the compilation of the Memorandum and Articles of a Company, the services of a legal practitioner should be used in the preparation of the documentation. Furthermore the memorandum and articles must be certified by a notorial legal practitioner.
    I also had a quick look at Swiftreg as an online option, but they only go as far as Pty Ltd companies.

  3. #3
    Silver Member Eugene's Avatar
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    There are a difference between NPO's (governed by The Nonprofit Organisations Act, 1997) and section 21 companies (under the ambit of Companies Act of 1973).

    For more details about the requirements and differences between the two, visit:

    It might be an option to buy a shelf company (sec 21) and just have your details amended (see:

  4. #4
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    Thanks guys.

  5. #5
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    Hi There,
    Section 21 is a non profit organization, the best advice I can offer, is to use Shelf company online,it is fast and smooth, I have just registered my own charity with them and I now have all the documents, as it is a lot cheaper then other services, shelf is the choice.
    While we are on the subject, could you or anyone help me with my question: who is in charge of opening a bank account for the section 21 company? I would really appreciate it. Cheers

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