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Thread: Teenagers & kids - tell us your sad tales of the sh*t they get up to....

  1. #1
    Diamond Member
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    Teenagers & kids - tell us your sad tales of the sh*t they get up to....

    My wife gets a lovely chocolate cake on Sunday morning. Its more or less the size of a swiss roll; covered in icing and a nice 1 cm wide strip of caramel running its entire length. I get home on Sunday night and there is a 3cm wide strip missing along the entire length of the cake. Lo and behold, all the caramel is gone with the cake below. So I sternly ask my daughters what happened to the mouth watering strip of cake. My 14 year old daughter admits that she devoured it because, well, she likes caramel. Monday night comes around and I notice that the top third of whats left of the cake is now gone. I gather up the girls and once again ask what happened to the top of the cake with the icing. My 16 year old daughter proudly says that she devoured it in revenge of her sister taking the caramel strip. So my wife and I ended up huddled around to poor forlorn looking naked pieces of chocolate cake. We decided to quickly eat whats left it before the girls exact more revenge and finish it before we get to have any. The girls both ice skate 6 times a week so the devouring of the cake doesn't feature on their "no, I'm on a diet list"

  2. #2
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    LOL So true Adrian ........... I have had my son down here in Cape Town for the last week. My socks are gone ........ My deodorant is finished .........Plastic cover for my electric razor had totally disappeared ............ A little plastic container I keep my toiletries in when I am down here has also totally disappeared ........... WTF. The flat looks like a miniature bomb has gone off and he says .... "It wasn't me" .

    Love em and hate em at the same time, but I suppose we wouldn't want it any different

  3. #3
    Silver Member bones's Avatar
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    mine are strangely self disciplined Rooms are tidy
    games always nicely stacked and controllers are
    even cleaned after playing

    They enjoy order and have there own rules
    regarding homework first play later and
    automatically hands over the TV remote

    the oldest help with everything and even earn
    her own money by doing prints for friends

    makes a killing actually

    youngest wash his little quad bike and will
    spend hours on it

    my oldest i got her a 250 auto and toned it
    down for her but she is nagging me to speed
    it up now

    when i go fishing i take the quad bikes with
    and they enjoy themselves

  4. #4
    Diamond Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by HR Solutions View Post
    LOL So true Adrian ........... I have had my son down here in Cape Town for the last week. My socks are gone ........ My deodorant is finished .........Plastic cover for my electric razor had totally disappeared ............ A little plastic container I keep my toiletries in when I am down here has also totally disappeared ........... WTF. The flat looks like a miniature bomb has gone off and he says .... "It wasn't me" .

    Love em and hate em at the same time, but I suppose we wouldn't want it any different
    My youngest daughter is a real "I don't give a sh!t I do what I want type" She is fearless to a degree of being dangerous. My wife tried the "Go sit in the naughty corner for half an hour" thing on her. She wasn't happy about it exactly two times, the next time she was naughty she just told my wife that it is nice in the naughty corner and she wants to go sit there.

    So the other day I go for a shower and step on a toothbrush and razor...of course I know who it belongs to. Afterwards I tell her that if I find her toothbrush and toothbrush on the floor agian I am going to use it to landscape my nuts. She just goes: "Do it, I don't care" Knowing her she probably doesn't just to make a point.

  5. #5
    Platinum Member pmbguy's Avatar
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    My 4yo daughter climbs out the burglar guards of the house, over the wall even, she climbs trees so high it makes my wife almost have a hart attack. When we go to the farm she travels kilometres and I have to whistle to call her. She goes up to cattle and wild horses and strokes them. No fear at all and does not cry for miner pain. She is not tidy, but cleans up after most times. She likes to fiddle with everything I am busy with and insists on doing everything herself. She brakes my all my stuff. Shopping is a freeeeeking nightmare! It can get a bit frustrating at times, but I would not have it any other way. Its the good type of naughty.

    Adrian, when I come visit you in CT you will see what I have to deal with.
    It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change. – Charles Darwin

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    adrianh (25-Nov-15)

  7. #6
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    I always tell my 14 year old that she is 12 coloureds reincarnated into one body. I don't mean it in a bad way, lots of her friends are coloured...and my little sh1t sure knows how to speak the lingo!

  8. #7
    Platinum Member pmbguy's Avatar
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    Awe ma si kinnis awe! I grew up with coloureds in school and I even know how you supposed to use an Okapi. Don't ever fight one or you could possibly break yor gevreet!

    My daughter turned to me in the queue at Spar and asked "daddy daddy... why is that lady so fat?", this poor woman was standing 1 foot away.
    It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change. – Charles Darwin

  9. #8
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    I cannot tell about my children because they never stop, they are always in a rush.

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