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Thread: SANS Regulations

  1. #1
    Diamond Member AndyD's Avatar
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    SANS Regulations

    I'm often combing through SANS regulations for electrical and control systems and sometimes I end up off on a tangent into related regs that I'm really not familiar with and I come across some real gems. Some of them are quite bazaar, some just make me smile for one reason or another and some initially seem strange but kinda make sense when you think about them.

    One I bumped into this evening whilst looking for regs for a bulk water carbonation system (don't ask) I came across this one;

    SABS 0252-2 Copper pipes shall not be used to take the discharges from urinals only, or in connection with
    grease interceptors.
    Copper pipes may be used to take the discharge from urinals, provided that such flow is diluted by
    discharges from other upstream sanitary fixtures.

    I had no idea it was illegal to connect a urinal to a copper drain....but I do now.


  2. #2
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    Neither did I. Everydays a school day!

  3. #3
    Diamond Member AndyD's Avatar
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    I'll keep adding them as I find them.

    I just found out I'm breaking the law at home, I have a 3/4HP waste disposal (550Watt) built into my kitchen sink and it's not on my house plans nor is it registered with the local authorities;

    SABS 0252-2 A mechanical food-waste disposal unit or other disposal unit or a garbage grinder, that has a
    power capacity in excess of 500 W, shall not be incorporated into any drainage installation unless
    a) the owner of the building has registered such a unit or grinder with the local authority, and it is shown
    on an approved plan and such local authority is satisfied that the working of any sewerage treatment
    system will not be impaired by its connection to the sewerage system, and
    b) such unit or garbage grinder has been installed in compliance with the appropriate requirements of
    the compulsory specification for the safety of electrical appliances, published by Government
    Notice 466 (Government Gazette No. 7464) of 13 March 1981, and is of a type that will not cause
    impairment of the drainage system.


  4. #4
    Diamond Member AndyD's Avatar
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    Okay, one last one for now.

    SANS 491 (1996) covers the specifications for crutches and states that the nuts and bolts used in the construction of crutches must be the 'wing-nut' type that can be adjusted without the need for any tools; Bolts and nuts
    Where bolts and nuts are used for adjusting a crutch, the nuts shall be of the wing type. Adjustments
    to a crutch shall be possible without the use of any tools.

    Also I never knew that there's 4 specific sizes of crutches......interesting stuff eh?


  5. #5
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    The first thought that occurred to me reading this is how the line between standards and regulations has merged over the years. You start to wonder when failing to meet a management standard from the SANS 9000 or 14000 series will become an illegal act (if it isn't in part already ).

    And I wonder how far away we might be from compulsory independent third party verification and accreditation on the meeting of all safety standards?

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