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Thread: Sales Funnels and SA

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Sales Funnels and SA

    So the other day i attended a great webinar on sales funnel,
    fired up I decided to look around and see if I could find any successful businesses locally.
    And after a decent session behind google... nothing*

    I lot of the successful sales funnels operating overseas are single products with simple up-sells.

    So what are your thoughts, is it a gap in the market or the absence of a market?

    *very little of value

  2. #2
    Diamond Member Blurock's Avatar
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    It depends on what you mean with sales funnel.

    There are many successful businesses in South Africa. SABMiller, Remgro, Vodacom, Anglo American, Bidvest, Discovery, Tiger Brands, Richemond, Naspers, Capitec - too many to mention. Four SA companies made it into the Forbes top 500 – including Sasol, mobile operator MTN and FirstRand – with Sanlam, Steinhoff and Naspers listed in the top 1,000.
    Excellence is not a skill; its an attitude...

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    David McG (18-Sep-15)

  4. #3
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    What I Mean by sales funnel is a online only based business with a small group of products.
    yes there are successful companies in SA no doubt,

    But from the perspective of building a product based business with a near passive business model, I could not find much, you will find most of the high revenue business on clickbank use a funnel system to boost sales.

    Why can I not find businesses based in SA operating in a similar fashion?

  5. #4
    Diamond Member Blurock's Avatar
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    Online business requires volumes. To compete with the likes of Amazon may not be viable for a small South African market.
    Excellence is not a skill; its an attitude...

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    David McG (19-Sep-15)

  7. #5
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    Yeah that was the sense I was getting, was curious on other peoples take. do you think the market could develop here?

  8. #6
    Diamond Member Blurock's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David McG View Post
    Yeah that was the sense I was getting, was curious on other peoples take. do you think the market could develop here?
    Maybe with a specialist niche product or service, but it appears as if online buying is still limited in most communities.
    Excellence is not a skill; its an attitude...

  9. #7
    Diamond Member wynn's Avatar
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    Peter Carruthers 'Earnster Ninja' offers to set up an efficient sales funnel for individuals joining his webinar and support group
    His reservations are that by simply offering the funnel is not enough, once you get a number of inquiries most business fail by first not replying to them, weeding through them and converting the hot prospects into sales and the interested only inquiries into future prospects, that is why he also offers the support necessary to do the conversions and future follow ups.
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  10. #8
    Diamond Member wynn's Avatar
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    here is a link to PC's latest offering.
    Business Owner Support

    More Sales. Guaranteed.
    Septmber 29, 2015

    You know it takes more time to learn marketing than you've got available. Not to mention actually doing it.

    I'm good at this. I've been doing it for myself for 31 years. I train people like you to do it for themselves. That means I can do it better - and faster - than you'll be able to. And because I'm South African, I can do it more affordably than - well, pretty much everyone else out there.

    That means my experience can work for you while you focus on what matters: closing sales.

    Make more sales via Business Heroes Academy:
    I find more prospects for you.
    I guide you into converting more prospects into sales.
    How I find more prospects for you:
    I list you on Best Suppliers, a premier search engine optimised directory that will get you to the front page of Google;
    I craft a new website wrapped around your primary product or service;
    I set up your email marketing so that you nurture your current and previous prospects, constantly bringing them back.
    How you close more sales:
    Daily emails to focus you on the only action that produces income - closing sales;
    Weekly online workshops on small business best practice in selling & marketing;
    Extra training, specific to you and your team;
    Access to my call centre to respond fast.
    I will know within two weeks whether my team can help you or not. If we can't, I will immediately refund.
    There is no long-term tie-in. I expect to be paid only if I deliver more sales.

    I'm going to do online for you what I've been doing online for myself since 2000 allowing me to live in South Africa, in Australia, in England, in Spain, and in Norway. I'm going to take away the do-it-yourself aspects which most business owners struggle with.

    In other words I will do your website and email marketing with a little help from you.

    I cannot do your selling for you but I will show you how to close sales faster and easier than any competitor, as well offer extra tools and help if you need it.

    Your investment before midnight tomorrow, September 30 is $49.97/month for the rest of time. That's about R700/month at today's rate. It's the lowest price I can offer, and it is only for South African residents.

    At midnight tomorrow that price changes to $79.97/month which better reflects what you will get each month.

    Please join me here. Or email me with any questions. You will get straight answers.

    Warm regards

    Peter Carruthers
    "Nobody who has succeeded has not failed along the way"
    Arianna Huffington

    Read the first 10% of my books "Didymus" and "The BEAST of BIKO BRIDGE" for free
    You can also read and download 100% free my short stories "A Real Surprise" and "Pieces of Eight" at

  11. #9
    Full Member Gaynor's Avatar
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    My initial thought is that such a business may be able to be based here but need to appeal to international clients as well as / instead of SA clients.
    Warm Regards,
    Gaynor Paynter
    083 442 4689
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