Originally Posted by
Nice picture, I assume that you do realise that the use of "twist ties" is also illegal.

Originally Posted by
Care to elaborate on that? I am just asking because when i got the contractor in to replace all the lights in my home, "twist ties" was the norm" They are all gone now but somehow the guy that did the first COC didn't mention it and he cost me a lot of money to date and I would love to know more because this will be yet another thing he overlooked.

Originally Posted by
Well now I can't find the sentence in the regs.
It used to say that a tool must be used to separate connections, or something to that effect. Of course, undoing a twist tie is not using a tool. I will keep looking when I get more time.
I'd also be curious as to the section that makes the twist tie illegal on all phase conductors and neutrals.
When it comes to the earth conductor, - Connections of earth continuity conductors shall not rely only on twisting of the conductor or strands of the conductor
and - A fuse or switching device shall not be fitted in an earth continuity conductor (joints which can only be disconnected by means of a tool may be provided for test purposes).
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