This is the story: 2 x 50/50 members in a property owning CC.
1 member died in 2009
His deceased estate did not transfer his shares into the name of the executor or deceased estate.
In 2011, the CC was de-registered due to non submission of financials (with the original 2 members names)
Now, we are in the process of reinstating the CC in order to sell the immovable property owned by the CC.
On the form requesting reinstatement, it asks who the members are - is it the original member (now deceased) or the executor or the deceased estate?
If the answer is either the executor or the deceased estate, how can the name change be explained to CIPC when no changes are possible while the CC is deregistered? By the same token, if the answer is the original member (now deceased), how can a deceased person be a member of a CC?
Highly confused!!!! Help please?
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