I am so sick and tired of receiving calls and messages and sms messages all f&*^&* day long.
I am told by one of these marketing telesales people that i must have replaced a sim card at some stage and had to rica it, thats how they got my number.
Apparently your personal information is sold to these direct marketing companies, you sign and they tick the block with the small print to allow them to sell personal information contact details.
The sad part is no matter how many times you keep blocking these direct marketing numbers they just keep computer generating new ones. The days of private number which nobody answers anymore are a thing of the past. They got wise to that.
The other new tactic which saves their telesales people lots time allowing them to bother more people is a voice activated call system. If you dont say anything when you take the call the line will just go dead, but if you say anything hello or hi the call is directed to a telesales consultant.
IF anyone has a way of getting rid of this crap please share with us.
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