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Thread: Durban protests spiralling out of control?

  1. #11
    Bronze Member msmoorad's Avatar
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    while its true that the violence were seeing is not the way to go about it, the truth is that theres just too many foreigners here.
    both legal & illegal

    many of the legal ones are not really legal since they bribed corrupt Home Affairs officials in order to get documents that they dont really qualify for.

    whats happening now is that many local criminals are joining in these xenophobic attacks just to loot, rob & steal.

    the real culprits are our ANC govt who opened the doors to everyone despite having lots of problems here that we need to sort out first.

    for all these foreigners, SA is a very attractive venue since were the wealthiest & most developed African country.
    very few foreigners are real refugees.
    they lie about the conditions back home:
    eg, there may be violence etc in one part of their country but their area is safe - they see it as an opportunity to come here & ask for asylum & our govt has no way to ascertain whether they are lying or not since their countries dont have proper records etc of who is who & where they live...

    then theres the organised crime syndicates who bribe the police who allow them to operate freely.
    the worst are the Nigerians & the Point Rd area in Durban is filled with them

    im hearing that theres altogether close to 10 million foreigners here
    that places a huge burden on our country-even without taking foreign criminals into account.

    as much as i hate to see innocent people being brutally killed, it seems that the govt wont act unless things reach the level were seeing now.

    my view is this:
    i wish everyone all of the best but unfortunately, SA cant accommodate everyone, so these foreigners must leave. all of them.
    A “conspiracy theory” no longer means an event explained by a conspiracy. Instead, it now means any explanation, or even a fact, that is out of step with the government’s explanation and that of its media pimps.

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blurock View Post
    What about the Xenophobia. Who is stoking the fire? Why is there a country wide protest against "foreign" statues and immigrants?
    I have seen some horrific photos and videos of people being hacked to death and children tied to burning tyres in the past few days.
    This barbarism and anarchy is being instigated by people with a political motive. Has Bob's visit anything to do with what is happening now?
    Why are the so-called leaders of our country not taking decisive action?
    The video I suspect that you speak of is not a xenephobia incident. It was in March. A 30yr old was killed after a bar altercation.
    The community then attacked teh 5 people. 2 died, 2 are still in hospital
    Anthony Sterne
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  3. #13
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    I am intrigued at the refugee law experts.
    Please take note that in terms of the Refugee Act and international conventions a person can be a refugee where there is public disorder in ANY part of the country.
    In other words, if I am living in an unaffected area, and there is public disorder in any other part, a person is a refugee.
    As to most people are not refugees, again I am intrigued by your expertsie. Yes, there are people who are not and exploit it.
    If I may explain why, no person can apply for any immigration permit if they are not illegally present. Therefore, they apply for asylum to become legally present, they then apply for work permits or whatever.
    I am happy to conced that large amounts of people then use corruption to get these permits.
    I have previously advised government that the immigration act should be changed so that if you have an asylum permit you cannot apply for an immigration permit unless there is a spousla or child relationhsip. Alas, government failed to make this simple legislative change.

    To return to refugees - The DRC, Burundi, Rwanda, Eritrea all have public disorder, as ruled by our courts.
    Ethiopia is considered one of the worst human rights places in the world. It is kept quite, in all probability because of American support due to the strategic position.
    Kenya is also now a problem area as is Nigeria.
    Bangladesh is also arguably a public disorder country.
    There is strong argument that so is Pakistan.

    The refugee process is so biased and flawed that it is a serious problem.
    In fact every appeal between 2007 and 2013 is unlawful as the board was unlawfully constituted.
    I am not aware of any review that has not ruled against the state.
    In 2010 the UN statistics show that 67% of Ethiopian s receivved refugee status. IN SA only 27% got. Remeber the 67% includes SA figures and in reality it is 80%, that difference in statistic already points to a flaw. Since 2010 it will have decreased in fact in 2014 only 2 people got refugee status in South Africa, one of whom was Syrian.
    As to undocumented, that also stems from Home affairs actions.
    The Durban refugee centre refuses to accept applications from the Asian continent (Pakistan, India etc). Again I have raised this issue, not only is it unlawful, but it means that we have undocumented people in our country, a serious security issue. No application can be refused, what needs to occur is proper asseesment.

    I am intrugued as to where the figure of 10 million foreigners is derived from.
    What seems to be missed is that as much as there is talk of anti foreigners, if this was so why do we see relatively little action against Chinese and the Asian continent? The action seems only to be directed towards the African continent.

    Yes, there is abuse. Yes, there is an abbundance of foreigners who utilise resources.
    However, the government is in the position to address the issues on the African continent, but refuses. African leaders are allowing chaos which results in people fleeing here. We, as a country are entitled to put pressure on them, but do not, probably something to do with mining.
    Last edited by; 16-Apr-15 at 06:55 AM. Reason: typos
    Anthony Sterne
    DISCLAIMER The above is merely a comment in discussion form and an open public arena. It does not constitute a legal opinion or professional advice in any manner or form.

  4. Thank given for this post:

    Citizen X (18-Apr-15), Dave A (16-Apr-15)

  5. #14
    Email problem vieome's Avatar
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    South Africa often endorses rigged elections in other african states, and then is surprised that the people from those states end up here.

    However lets not forget the thousands of South Africans who are immigrating to England, Ireland and Austrialia, how would you feel if they were attacked there.

    If you looting millions what do you care when your subjects are looting a six pack of coke and a bag of chips.

    There may be too many foreigners in SA, but the attacks are not justified, if you tolerate this then your children will be next.

  6. #15
    Email problem KimH's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by msmoorad View Post
    my view is this:
    i wish everyone all of the best but unfortunately, SA cant accommodate everyone, so these foreigners must leave. all of them.
    I am a foreigner albeit one that has lived here for 42 years, was educated here, worked and paid taxes here, got married and raised kids here - I am still a foreigner. You will however be pleased to hear that I'm taking my burdensome self and my family back home later this year.
    "If at first you don't succeed, do it like your mother told you."

  7. #16
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vieome View Post
    If you looting millions what do you care when your subjects are looting a six pack of coke and a bag of chips.
    Whoever gets away with the looting is the one seen to be in control.

    The stakes are - "Who's the boss?"

  8. #17
    Moderator IanF's Avatar
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    Now the "foreigners" are fighting back

    Komatipoort - Xenophobic violence has broken out in Mozambique, forcing South Africans to leave the neighbouring country in a hurry, while trucks exporting goods have been grounded.

    Truck driver John Mashiloane, who works for Ngululu Carriers told a News24 correspondent that he was forced to return to South Africa after the truck he was driving was stoned a short distance from the border town of Ressano Garcia.

    "I’m back in South Africa, we have parked our trucks in Komatipoort. When we went into Mozambique in the morning, we saw that traffic was clear and thought it was fine, but just 4km into Mozambique near the Muamba Toll Gate, we found a mob of about 300 people in bakkies who started pelting our trucks with stones and telling us that we are killing their brothers and sisters so we deserve to die too," said Mashiloane
    Full article

    Now will the government step up and try get this under control?
    Only stress when you can change the outcome!

  9. #18
    Bronze Member msmoorad's Avatar
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    firstly, the ones ultimately responsible are our ANC govt, who opened the borders & lifted restrictions, which has allowed millions of foreigners to enter the country.
    what need was there for the govt to do this?
    we have more than enough of our own problems, not to mention our already high crime rates.

    its our govt & corrupt officials who have paved the way for so many foreigners to abuse our country.

    why should we now attack these foreigners, when instead, we should direct our anger towards the govt?

    these foreigners would never have been able to enter our country & if they did, they would never be able to engage in any criminal activity if our govt & our police etc were doing their jobs properly.

    why vent our anger & frustration at those who are guilty of nothing more than taking advantage of the opportunity to build a better life for themselves & their families.
    Instead, focus on our ANC govt who have not acted wisely and have allowed things to reach the current situation where we have too many foreigners here.

    To KimH:
    if we had to look at it that way, then even i am a foreigner.
    im referring to those who entered SA after 1994, esp those without proper documents.

    A “conspiracy theory” no longer means an event explained by a conspiracy. Instead, it now means any explanation, or even a fact, that is out of step with the government’s explanation and that of its media pimps.

  10. #19
    Diamond Member Blurock's Avatar
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    In November 2012 NAFCOC held their annual conference in East London. There were a number of speakers who called on delegates and black people to "take back their townships and not to let shops and buildings to foreigners". They were told to chase the foreigners out of their townships. In March 2015 the Zulu king made a similar statement in a speech to the Pongolo community;

    [W]e talk of people [South Africans] who do not want to listen, who do not want to work, who are thieves, child rapists and house breakers…. When foreigners look at them, they will say let us exploit the nation of idiots. As I speak you find their unsightly goods hanging all over our shops, they dirty our streets. We cannot even recognise which shop is which, there are foreigners everywhere. I know it is hard for other politicians to challenge this because they are after their votes. Please forgive me but this is my responsibility, I must talk, I cannot wait for five years to say this. As King of the Zulu Nation… I will not keep quiet when our country is led by people who have no opinion. It is time to say something. I ask our government to help us to fix our own problems, help us find our own solutions. We ask foreign nationals to pack their belongings and go back to their countries (loud cheers).
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  11. #20
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    The state budgets three times as much money for deporting people as it does for preventing illegal entry.
    Anthony Sterne
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