
Senior manager gives instruction to employee B in Junior manager C's department to perform a task which affects junior manager D (so we now have a senior manager, 2 junior managers and an employee working for one of the junior managers).

Junior manager D confirms the request 2 months later as it has not been done yet. Employee B says she was instructed by her junior manager C not to proceed, but no communication regarding this decision was given to senior manager or junior manager D, causing junior manager D distress, vat implications and an audit problem at financial year end.

Senior manager does not want to take action against junior manager C or her employee, If it is due to the colour of here hair, or the time they spend working late together, i dare not speculate about.

Can junior manager D charge either the employee (who does not report to her) or junior manager C (who 'sucks' up to the boss) for insubordination?