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Thread: Pastel Supplier Invoices Matching - Remove Credited Invoices

  1. #1
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    Question Pastel Supplier Invoices Matching - Remove Credited Invoices

    Hi There,
    I'm currently working on Pastel Xpress 2009.
    When I do the cash book, Pastel has been set up to match the supplier payment to invoices. On the list it pops up on some of my suppliers there has been invoices that's been credited, but the credited invoice is still in that list to match. How do I remove those invoice as it becomes very difficult to know what to match and what not.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	cats.jpg 
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ID:	5391Click image for larger version. 

Name:	cats.jpg 
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Size:	62.9 KB 
ID:	5391

  2. #2
    Diamond Member Neville Bailey's Avatar
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    That's odd.

    If you have already matched those invoices with a previous payment, they should not still be showing when you match the next payment.

    Have you already updated the previous payment batch? If not, then go back to that payment line item and press the F3 function button to make sure that the payment was matched properly to the invoices. If you have already updated the payment batch, then go to Process...Match Open Items and check if the payment was correctly matched against the invoices and correct it if necessary.
    Neville Bailey - Sage Pastel Accounting Consultant
    IronTree Online Solutions

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  3. #3
    Diamond Member Mike C's Avatar
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    Hi steffie,

    There are two reasons why they keep appearing. The one is that the payment has gone through the cash book as a general ledger entry not as a Supplier. This would then have to be fixed using a "Return Debit" or a Supplier Journal Entry.

    The other reason is that they have not been matched up correctly. I have copied the instructions that Neville Bailey gave to someone else in another place which should be of help to you.

    Remember to always backup before you do corrections so that if things do not work out as planned you can always restore your backup and try again.

    Go to Process...Match Open Item and then browse for the customer/supplier account that you want to fix.

    At the top of the next screen you will see a line item named Unallocated. Click on the + sign on the left, in order to expand the list of unallocated receipts/payments. Select the first unallocated transaction and drag and drop it onto the invoice that it relates to. Save the record.
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  4. #4
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    Thanks guys for trying to help, but I feel I haven't explained the problem properly.

    I've got 2 suppliers, Gbay Internet and Gordon's Bay Security, and I have by accident entered a Gordon's Bay Security invoice under Gbay Internet. I have done a credit note for it as soon as I noticed it (I unfortunately have already batched by then) but even after the credit note, the invoice is still in the list to match to a payment.

    Is there a way to remove it from the list?

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	cats.jpg 
Views:	2133 
Size:	57.6 KB 
ID:	5406

  5. #5
    Diamond Member Neville Bailey's Avatar
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    In order to reverse a supplier invoice, you need to process a Return & Debit note, not a credit note - I presume that you did that, and that you matched the R&D note to the invoice?
    Neville Bailey - Sage Pastel Accounting Consultant
    IronTree Online Solutions

    "Give every person more in use value than you take from them in cash value."
    WALLACE WATTLES (1860-1911)

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neville Bailey View Post
    In order to reverse a supplier invoice, you need to process a Return & Debit note, not a credit note - I presume that you did that, and that you matched the R&D note to the invoice?
    Hi Neville, yes I did do a Return and Debit, and have entered the invoice number in the "original invoice" block. Is there a different way of linking the 2 so that the invoice does not show up in open items on the cashbook?

  7. #7
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    I've just done a Return and Debit for a supplier again. Put the correct invoice number in the "original invoice" block, batched it and went and check, and the invoice is still available to match in the cash book. I need to know how to remove all these invoices that has been credited to not show as a matching item when doing the cashbook, pleassseee??

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