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Thread: The power of humor on the racism and cultural side of things.

  1. #1
    Bronze Member Brett Nortje's Avatar
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    The power of humor on the racism and cultural side of things.

    I find that nothing brings people together like humor. or sex. no sex brings people together more, but we cannot all have sex with who we want to, so, we must rely on humor being the connection between peoples.

    So, if you hear an old Indian woman saying she will never speak to someone again, is this funny? is it serious, or, is it anti social? i mean, does it help? no! it is stupid and childish. i mean, seriously, holding your breathe until you get your way is childish, and so is being serious, yes?

    Some things should not be made fun of, like poverty. but then again, the people seem to have fun anyways, laughing all night long at each other's misfortunes - it is natural to laugh at each other's mistakes and poverty, so, it is okay too? i mean, if a bergy comes to my door, i chase him away, if he comes to the door of another bergy, does that bergy invite him in, or chase him away too? see?

    Now, seeing as how there is all this humor going on, we should all try to be mature and laugh at ourselves - hell, everyone else is! if you drop your sausages on the floor, and your children laugh, hell, it is stupid to hit them and tell them to eat them off the floor, even though it is supper, it is still funny, because, people are laughing. so hitting kids is not funny though, okay? this reminds me of the oldest traditional stuff, harming one another is out of the question, but anything else goes, yes?

    Bringing people together with humor is a great thing to do. if you can get people to laugh at themselves, then they will let go of their own insecurity and stuff, and start performing for the better of all, yes? i mean, someone that is afraid to change into ski pants to go jogging is a loose end, useless - how do you do something without starting it out? you got to begin somewhere. making fun of noobs is part of life, but helping them is more societal. so, laugh at them as they fall, laugh at them as you pick them up... nothing wrong here.

    What i am really referring to is black, white and colored people of cape town. they are all so into their own creed that they will not even consider another walk of life as a real friend. really? i bet if you watch the body language of these people, they will show that i am correct, yes?

    But, what about the near east and Europe - there is a lot of racial tension there too. if you can laugh at others, you can laugh at yourself, basically, so there should be no problem, yes?

    Now, how do we make fun of someone, slowly, so that they will keep listening? well, first you take the oldest person and make fun of them. if that doesn't work, make your way down the ladder, and, then find the most mature person to make fun of. eventually, you give up and try again some other time, or you make a breakthrough, and, if you are making fun of people, you will make a breakthrough. eventually, you will show people that those same things they find funny about others are the things they find funny about you, if you can see, if you disagree, well, then you must be perfect and perfect people hang out by themselves, yes?
    !! Going to my destruction !!

  2. #2
    Platinum Member pmbguy's Avatar
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    Boet... weet jou Ma jy is hier?
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  3. #3
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    Do you know what is really not funny .......... The fact you are running around out there on the loose - you should be admitted !

  4. Thanks given for this post:

    Brett Nortje (16-Jan-15)

  5. #4
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brett Nortje View Post
    Now, how do we make fun of someone, slowly, so that they will keep listening? well, first you take the oldest person and make fun of them. if that doesn't work, make your way down the ladder, and, then find the most mature person to make fun of.
    Actually, if you're going to try to break down barriers via humour, I suggest the best place to start is to make fun of yourself.

    Humour is a risky strategy though. When it works, it works really well. But get it wrong, it can be a disaster.

  6. #5
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    That's true, bringing people together with humor is a great thing to do

  7. #6
    Diamond Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brett Nortje View Post
    Now, how do we make fun of someone, slowly, so that they will keep listening? well, first you take the oldest person and make fun of them. if that doesn't work, make your way down the ladder, and, then find the most mature person to make fun of.
    This is right up there with the most absurd "advice" I've ever come across. It is great though if you are trying to get yourself killed.

  8. #7
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    Leave the comedy to the professionals - they have professional "licence" to say things that would get most of us a slap upside the head.

  9. Thanks given for this post:

    adrianh (26-Feb-16)

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