What is a COC worth without the correct onsite supervision.

Again today as per a discussion...the lack of onsite supervision is the main cause of illegal COC's.

Until the department of labour employ suitably qualified staff to to carry out onsite inspections to make sure companies have suitably qualified staff to check work in progress and random checks on issued COC's...this industry will remain the joke of all trades.

I receive an email from the ECB today...to notify me that they are running a seminar and they do still exist...."REALLY" ...did you know it is a "CRIME" if you dont issue a COC for every single installation...my question ...when are they actually going to enforce the law...i keep hearing about these criminals...yet everyday i watch unskilled staff being dumped on site...read through issued COC's which are not worth the paper they are typed on...even watched a person carrying out an inspection report...repair and issue a COC for an illegal installation.

You make the customer responsible for the audit on the illegal COC...the installation will remain illegal (until they sell the property...then suddenly it becomes my problem because the customer cant understand why i refuse to issue a new coc) ...why because the new customer refuses to pay for an illegal installation to be checked at his cost...all i tell my customers to do is make sure they keep the original copy of the COC available for inspection if by some miracle one day someone actually arrives at the door to check if they have one...in the past they did have unskilled people doing their rounds...but had n idea if the piece of paper was legit or not.