I submitted my return then realized that I had left out my deductible medical expenses.
I cannot find any info as to how I can now access and amend my return.
Can someone please assist?
I submitted my return then realized that I had left out my deductible medical expenses.
I cannot find any info as to how I can now access and amend my return.
Can someone please assist?
Thanks Clive. Will try that.
Did not work. I ended up phoning SARS and after going thru their instructions still was unable to amend my return.
After giving the woman what she required to verify that it was me, she checked and told me I could not change my return
as it had been processed. Strange, as the page simply stated that it had been received.
Usually you cannot amend your return if an audit/verification has been done. The only way to rectify it in that case, would be to object, preferably within 30 working days after the assessment was issued.
I can't believe they acted so quickly. I submitted my return in the evening and the following morning it had already been processed.
From what I understand no one checks your return anymore, a computer does the work and an algorithm determines if it needs flagging/verification or not, if the computer is happy with your return, ie no further investigation needed or red flags picked up it gets processed almost immediately.
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