Hi All
I am contemplating purchasing the Samsung Galaxy Tab 4, 10.1 (LTE)
I have always been a Windows user and do not have any accounts linked
to my PC i.e( MS account) though i do have a Gmail account but it's not
linked to my pc for operational purposes etc, obviously without an account
i cannot obtain any Apps from the Widows Store but that's fine with me.
I am not familiar with the Android system but on checking some of the details it appears
as though you have to have a Google or Samsung account to use the Apps also.
Can i use the Android set up the same way i use my Windows machines without using
the Google, Samsung or any other Apps other than the ones i wish to download seperately
from the web.
Also it appears as though it is mainly a Wi-Fi oriented system, can i use a Pay as You go Dongle
the same as i do now using any of the networks.
Please forgive me if it appears as though i am 'THICK' lol but your advice is appreciated.
Cheers Rozzer
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