I visited FNB on Saturday.
Some interesting points...
Let's start with the fees. My service fee last month with Standard bank was a little over R 560.00, my turnover last month less than R100 k, this excludes all other fees, transfer fees, cash withdrawal fees etc etc etc. one example I did a R 550 eft transfer from my phone to a company, it cost me R55.00, that was just one of the transfers. It was actually a little more but we not going to stress about exact figures.
Cheque card, FNB offer a cheque card and an investment account with your business account. Standard bank doesn't offer a cheque card on business accounts only personnel accounts, what does this mean to a small business like mine, fees and more fees why because if I pay with my debt card ever time I swipe it, so to prevent these fees I transfer the money to my credit card which again cost fees, but even more of a mission, is having to wait the 3 days for the money to reflect in my Standard bank credit card. FNB cheque card, free unlimited swipes.
Cost for the package I am looking at R200 which includes a pile of services which interest me for what I want to do and are gona save me a couple hundred a month.
I am going to keep my one business current account with Standard bank while I test the waters with FNB, but from tomorrow I start shutting all other accounts with Standard bank, I just can't afford to bank with Standard any longer.
Ebuck sis another option which comes with the FNB account, I buy a lot of fuel. Standard bank ucount, no longer offers points for fuel, ebuck do, another saving which could cover my R200 service fee at FNB,
Gona be an interesting few weeks ahead watching the different bank accounts.
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