i have started a job at a new company and the tax account is out of balance on the tax box report since 2011. how do I recon this and how do I rectify the imbalance
i have started a job at a new company and the tax account is out of balance on the tax box report since 2011. how do I recon this and how do I rectify the imbalance
Compare the tax box reports from 2011 to what was submitted on eFiling and what was paid. If Output or Input taxes were over- or understated, claim or declare per the next VAT201 return. Request the VATSA statement of account on eFiling to verify the outstanding balance / amount overpaid. Outstanding balance will have to be paid. Overpayments would have been refunded if the banking details were correct.
Be sure to debit the penalties and interest amounts so paid to the relevant expense account and not the VAT control account else your account will be out of balance again.
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