Hi there,
i have some issues with Pastel getting sometimes file corruption etc.
7 users on pastel : (4 on Windows 8pro, 3 on Win7pro)
180 users on network
5 in one building, 2 in another building.
After some changing because of the issues i got like file corruption etc, and also because Windows 8 cannot connect to a domain i put this computers on workgroup. (same workgroup) with the neccesary share folder access...
I just wonder also are it possible that the files can get corrupted because i use a normal network layout with desktop switches etc? Are it actual better to upgrade to layer2 switches to prefend file corruption over a network? Just want to make sure before i set my mind on "that is the reason for the file corruption" of pastel file corruptions in the book-set... It's a bit of steep expenses if we must upgrade the network... to solve this issue.
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