Welcome to what I aim to be a series exploring success principles and their slogans. If you happen to have stumbled on this thread and are not sure what this might be about, the real starting point is in The Forum SA August 2007 newsletter here.
Just to make my intentions plain, I'm doing this as much for me as for anyone else. One of those success principles is "Write it down." It doesn't matter where or how. Simply that you do Write it down. So I'm writing it down here.
I have chosen to do this exercise in a public place because hopefully some little part of it may be a spark for someone out there that sets them on the road to greater success. If only one other person "Gets it", it'll have been worth doing it this way for me. But that is not the only reason.
I know that we live in a world where lots of people are trying to achieve more in their lives. They might already be frustrated with the direction of their life, or they might just be starting out finding their way.
Most of us find ourselves having to develop our success strategy in isolation. It's not easy, and it seems very few succeed in truly realising what they hope for. Most of us don't know where to start. It takes persistence to keep reading the books and pumping the good stuff into our mind. And there are all sorts of distractions along the way that keep tugging us away from following through.
So with any luck what will develop here is something of a team spirit that will help keep us motivated along the way.
I offer no guarantees. Only an invitation to explore the success principles with me and perhaps improve the odds of your own success. I certainly can't see any harm in trying. I would love to have your company and hear your perspectives along the way. It will add depth and perspective to my own understanding. And hopefully keep me motivated to stay the course too.
For this to really work, it's going to need participation. I'm pretty certain that in this whole wide world, I'm sure to get some people to participate here. Someone is going to take a chance and run with me. The question is - Is one of those people going to be you!
I'd really like this to work for you! And that probably means that to get the most out of this, you'll need to participate too.
One of those success principles is that when you consider doing something, you take at least one small action step straight away.
So here's a simple action step that you can do right now. Take a moment our of your busy life to make a post here to answer one question:
What do you think of the idea behind this thread?
Positive or negative - just for once in your life, let it rip.
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