Good evening,
Please put me out of my misery...
I currently do tax accounting and have a very strange error when trying to change the amount of periods for one of our clients.
In October of 2014 financial year SARS changed this client from 2monthly to monthly. I went ahead and added extra periods in order to process the tax accordingly.
As I ran the year end in March, I tried to change the periods to 12, but as soon as I clicked OK, it gave me a message saying that the start date can not be greater than the end date - which was not true (i tried it several times). As I clicked ok on the message it gave me a run time error and closed pastel. I have tried this every possible way I could think off with no luck.
We had a few clients which tax periods were changed by Sars and I was able to change the amount of periods with no problems.
Please can anyone assist...
Kind regards
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