Good morning

I am in the western cape

I work for a company as full time staff.

On the 11/04/2014 I was informally told of transgressions that I made and told that it would be followed up by the 14/04/2014.

On 14/04/2014 I was told that I had done something against policies and made to listen to phone calls to confirm this. The meeting was adjourned until the next day as the hr manager has private commitments.

The next day arrived and was concluded with nothing officially given to me in writing.

Weeks went past with. I mention or anything given in writing. I became sick and was in hospital.

When I arrived back at work, the atmosphere from managers were miserable and i was ignored. I continued with my work.

I was then called in on 21/05/2014 where a industrial relation consultant who was outsourced by the company had a meeting with myself again and I was told they are gathering evidence to decide what to do to me.

Is this fair that I have had to wait so long with no official warning or notification?

I do not know what is going on with my life. The suspense is very unfair

Please help me. I am desperate.