Ask yourself this...If the ANC ever loses an election...will they willingly give up power? I have a strong suspicion that they might not.
Speculatively...if the DA strikes a long term deal with the west (who is negatively affected by ANC (SA) partnership with China) then I see no reason why the West would not support the DA. This is if the US has any will for a strong SA, which it may not. The West could say to the ANC, well boet you lost, we will support your opposition or you listen to us and not China.
The US seems to prefer a weak SA, but since China has become this monster they might prefer a strong SA under DA rule.
The West could regain the continent if they have a strong Ally in South Africa. I think we would gain by becoming more allied to the west in general, producing for them, which they will be needing if they ever want to stop being China’s bitch.
I don’t want any country to be my boss, but that’s the reality, we are to a large degree controlled by the superpowers. Under this reality I feel we will fare better under Western partnership (Obviously under DA rule).
Whilst the ANC rules we will have to try exploit our partnership with China as much as possible.
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