I chased my garden technician home this morning because we was as drunk as a skunk. At first I did not really notice how pissed he was, but when he started working I saw that he was not right. He cut a line that weaved all over the place, then he simply stopped mowing and got the weed-eater out trying the mow the lawn with it. I said in zulu/funnygallo, what the f*** are you doing? He replayed that he thinks the mower is broken because it’s not working right. I went and had a closer look, first at the lawn mower which was fine. Then I went up to him and had a closer look, his eyes were barely open and he was swaying ever so slightly, I realised he was totally wasted. And after a few words I would rather not say on TFSA I sent him home.
Anyway, as a result I was short staffed in the garden today, so I employed my 2 year old. I am happy with her work, but she needs to make some improvements. After she finished her morning session I gave her juice and food in a tin cup and plate and put her in bed for her nap. When she gets up just now it’s back to work again.
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