This is a plea to all engineering businesses within industry to join and share this open group. To interact and have their say and share their experiences relating to this and any bargaining council.
I believe we should try to bring to light the unbalanced scales of the MEIBC (Metal Engineering Bargaining Council).
I believe its time industry starts to stand up and shed light on the unconstitutional practices that most don't know of, what happens behind the public eye and are some of the main reasons that unemployment is skyrocketing.

Please share and or join this group. It's vital that everyone stands together to bring to light the corruption that is forcing unemployment in industry. Port Elizabeth being the motor capital of the country and as such engineering capital, has a dying industry due to bargaining councils and their determination to milk businesses. Most don't realize it but it is these councils that are responsible for the fact that engineering businesses do not want to employ and are either downsizing or closing down. If we can stop them, we can increase the wealth in our city and country's economy.