Open suse 13.1 is about to be launched in a few days time but there are a few glitches.
Billing Gates & his machine are trying very hard to put a spoke in the wheels in as many open source products as possible.
Open suse have with drawn Adobe Acrobat for the following reasons:
Adobe will continue to fix the numerous security holes in the Windows versions but not the Linux version. That means that those fixes will be known to the black hats. They will also know that anyone using the program on Linux will definitely not have fixed those problems. As a result, they will have a prescription for attacking your Linux system.
The guys have found a way around this problem with using programs like Okular & foxit.
The problem we have at the moment is some people need to be able to see a digital verified signature which neither of these programs have the capability of doing.
Does anyone have any recommendation or solution?
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