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Thread: When is enough enough?

  1. #11
    Diamond Member
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    Even better, have a special thread dedicated to whinging and whining about how unfair life is. About how one has no choices, no control and no responsibility for ones own lot in life. One could also talk about how terrible government / schooling / education / employers / labour brokers / HR consultants / men / women / ag sommer alles... is. One could then add an ancillary discussion about how terrible all the participants taking part in the discussion are, how insensitive they are and how stupid they are. The ancillary discussion should only focus on the individuals and on nothing else.

    We could also have treads dedicated to agreeing with whatever the "master plan" is:

    (The rant at hijacking of SA's new school education system thread?
    People start a thread, hoping to extract good ideas & engage others of like mind in doing so.)

    I mean really, why would one want to hear views that are different to the "master plan" view. Lets all agree to whatever is said and not think about other sides of the coin. We could design a rocket ship to go to Saturn while we're at it and not worry to much about real world issues.

    Aye, I'm game, let's go for it, I'll tie one hand behind my back and stand on one leg while we all "agree and chant around the bonfire" ...oh sorry..."debate"

  2. #12
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pmbguy View Post
    I wonder what the common denominator is
    I suggest basically this -
    Quote Originally Posted by adrianh View Post
    tec0 - you seriously need to get in touch with reality.
    Quote Originally Posted by tec0 View Post
    The reality is this...
    Essentially a failure to seriously allow for all the other realities out there that differ significantly from your own. The problem is aggravated when the protagonists become so fixated and post at such a rate, they don't allow the time for others to introduce more perspective to the discussion.

    Individuals slowing down their post rate in a thread where they're becoming... overly engaged... will make a difference - it'll allow a broader perspective a chance to pop up and sink in.

    Hence my appeal to slow down when you're getting caught up in the heat of the moment, which is certainly a lot easier to actually execute than another solution, being don't take criticism personally (which I entirely understand is not easy at times).

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  4. #13
    Platinum Member pmbguy's Avatar
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    Dave - as Diplomatic and Correct as always
    It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change. – Charles Darwin

  5. #14
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    Yep ....... But not always the solution. But anyway. ......

  6. #15
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    You know, I teach my girls many things, a couple spring to mind;
    1. There will always be somebody in life that tries to get the better of you. You need to choose your battles and be certain that the battle serves to win the war, otherwise it is just a waste of energy.
    2. Some people love to poke you with a stick just to get a reaction, you choose to react, nobody forces you. If you don't react they lose interest and go elsewhere.
    3. You need to choose whose opinions you value, many people say many things and most of it is just noise, you cannot allow your life to be ruled by noise.
    4. When somebody is nasty to you you've got to learn how to deal with it yourself, we are not always at your side to take care of it. You are growing up to be adults, take responsibilty and stand on your own two feet.
    5. Learn the following adage and apply it throughout your life 'stick and stones may break my bones but words can never harm me'

  7. #16
    Diamond Member tec0's Avatar
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    The outcome was as predictable as I thought it would be. People post exactly what I thought they would.
    peace is a state of mind
    Disclaimer: everything written by me can be considered as fictional.

  8. #17
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    Yep probably had enough whining and complaining I would sapy.

  9. #18
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    I suppose I see the world largely through what I try to instil in my kids. You know, the 12 year old is an avid horse rider. She rides horses that are way bigger than her. Her attitude towards it is this, she will keep trying until she masters the art, she goes for lessons once a week and she begs us to go work on the farm. She works on the farm, yes she does pick up horse crap, wash them groom them and clean tack. She has never asked to be paid or complained about the work she does on the farm. My wife and the owner-ess of the farm, an 84 year old spinster who runs the farm with an iron fist, have a standing arrangement that she will go to the farm and help if ever the lady needs her. She spends most Sundays there and she spends 70% of her holiday time at the farm. The old lady lets my daughter ride a bit after work as a reward and that is reward enough for her to work her butt off. She does show jumping and often falls, she shakes off the dust and gets back on, aches and pains or not. She has never ever said that she is scared of a horse or that she is scared of falling. She simply says that she needs to control the horse better. Now the thing is this, I live with a wife who is ultra driven, she gets up at 5am and goes to sleep at 11pm, no complaints, she does what she does because that is the way she is. My daughters are both provincial skaters and of course the little one terrorizes farm animals. I am simply unwilling to accept that one has no control over one's destiny, if a 12 year old can pick up horse crap all day long on the off chance that she gets to ride a bit then I think that those who do nothing but complain need to look within and see where the real problem lies.

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  11. #19
    Platinum Member desA's Avatar
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    Essentially a failure to seriously allow for all the other realities out there that differ significantly from your own. The problem is aggravated when the protagonists become so fixated and post at such a rate, they don't allow the time for others to introduce more perspective to the discussion.

    Individuals slowing down their post rate in a thread where they're becoming... overly engaged... will make a difference - it'll allow a broader perspective a chance to pop up and sink in.

    Hence my appeal to slow down when you're getting caught up in the heat of the moment, which is certainly a lot easier to actually execute than another solution, being don't take criticism personally (which I entirely understand is not easy at times).
    Very wide words, Dave.

    The concept of trying not to get caught up in the rush of the moment is a very valid one.
    In search of South African Technology Nuggets(R), for sale & trading in South East Asia.

  12. #20
    Diamond Member tec0's Avatar
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    Fighting the good fight is all that matters. There is no history, no tomorrow, no today if you are not willing to step-up and stand-up for what is right and just, then what are you doing? As this mentality slowly gains momentum you will see change. People will no longer conform because there is no place for them in your perfect world.

    Well this world isn’t perfect nor is humanity. So just because we have flaws and perform a tiny bit slower than the average now we are not allowed to live! What is the point of technology then? Why have spell-check, voice to text and other such technology?

    If you want to use test and other such systems to rob people from a chance. If you are to greedy to narrow minded to implement the absolute basics. Then you are part of a growing problem. Like a cancer you just grow and grow and grow consuming healthy flesh and blood turning it into a useless lump filled with decay death not unlike a poison.

    Tell you what reward is what you make of it. For some it is riding a horse for someone else it is handing out free hot soup on a cold dark night. A job is simply a way to earn as is a business or enterprise. But as most people know it is no longer a game of wealth rather a game of sustainability.
    peace is a state of mind
    Disclaimer: everything written by me can be considered as fictional.

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    Citizen X (05-Nov-13)

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