I got this email and thought it might be an idea to post it for those interested. The subject might be worth some discussion too.
In english (for non-afrikaans and our international viewers and friends):Die moord en misdaad in die land ruk nou heeltemal hand uit. Ons hoor, lees en praat almal daaroor.
Baie Suid-Afrikaners glo dat die doodstraf weer herroep moet word. As jy een van hulle is, besoek asseblief die volgende webwerf en onderteken die petisie.
Indien jy hierdie saak ondersteun en belangrik ag, stuur dié webadres asseblief aan al die mense wat jou standpunt deel.
Murder and crime in our country is getting out of control. We hear, read and talk about it.
Many South Africans believe the death penalty should be re-instated. If you are one of these people, please visit this website and sign the petition.
www.doodstraf.co.za (available in english and afrikaans)
The rest is basicly a request to forward to like-minded people.
Whilst I personally don't support the death sentence, The Forum SA is about being able to present a variety of views and communicate with one another on matters of public interest.
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