I have booked for a Pastel Certified Trainer course and would like to find out more about this course. Such as to how these classes are presented and what to expect.
I have booked for a Pastel Certified Trainer course and would like to find out more about this course. Such as to how these classes are presented and what to expect.
Hi Mechelle
I did my course about 2 years ago, and I must say, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Towards the end of the course each participant needs to present a "lesson" to the class [this is entirely up to you, which section you wish to choose as your lesson], so you get to practise your facilitator skills during the course. The classes are also very inter-active and they encourage participation from all the students through-out the course, as you can't be an 'introvert" if you wish to present in front of classes in future. One also learns alot from other students. Good luck! Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
Dave A (11-Oct-13)
Thank you Elijah, your reply helped a lot. Enjoy your day.
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