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Thread: Wireless issue

  1. #1
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    Unhappy Wireless issue

    Good day. We have 4 wireless devices in our office. Problem is that when you move around, it does not seamlessly keep the connection. It disconnects when out of range and then you have to manually re-connect to the next available wireless device. Is there a way to set it so it connects seamlessly?

  2. #2
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    I am presuming that you are talking about normal Wi-Fi adsl. If you are then I would suggest you get a bigger Wi-Fi router. I had the exact same problem and ended up buying the big Netgear Wi-Fi router for around R2750.00. Never looked back and all is perfect.

  3. #3
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    Thanks. Problem is that we need more than 1 wireless device and we need seamless connectivity between the lot

  4. #4
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    If you access the wifi network properties, select auto connect, as in the image
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	netprop.jpg 
Views:	385 
Size:	47.2 KB 
ID:	3953

  5. #5
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    You know, I think that there is a more elegant solution that you can apply. You can actually do all the troubleshooting yourself. I did this and it works like a charm. Lets begin with some theory. You could have one of two problems:

    1. Your signal may be weak and doesn't reach as far as you need.
    2. WiFi has a number of radio channels available and most of the time the router is able to select a free channel, sometimes, the router is simply a bit doff. So lets say you are sitting on channel 5 and the guy next door turns his router on and he is also on channel 5, the two routers then talk over each other and both router signals get messed up.

    Ok, so how do you solve the problems: I hope you have a Android tablet or phone. You go to the Playstore and download Wifi Analyzer (free). When you run it you will see parabolic graphs that shows the signal strength and the selected channel of each WiFi transmitter. You will easily be able to see if your router and another router are on the same channel.

    Ok, lets say your router is on the same channe as another, you can then download a plugin for the software (free) which allows you to set the router transmitter channel. Otherwise you simple log on to the router via IP and change the channel via its admin screen. Reboot the router and check its performance again.

    Now, whether you did the channel thing or not, use you phone or tablet with the analyser running and walk around your office, you will see where the signals starts to drop off, I found that my router didn't reach the last bedroom. If you find that the signal drops out then what you do is you purchase a WiFi Repeater (sometimes called a booster) Mine is a Trendnet TEW736RE. Place the device somewhere between the router and the deadspot (remember, the repeater must be able to speak to the router so make sure that you have a signal using the analyser. Once the device is on you press one button on it that makes it listen for set up information, you then go to your router and you press a button that transmits the information (seems all the routers have such a button, mine does) you then go back to the repeater and you watch what happens using the analyser. If all is ok you will now see two signals on top of one another with your network name. Now walk around with the analyser and you will see that the repeater signal reaches areas that your router can't.

    This is all possible by using an Android tablet or phone and a very clever bit of free software.

    Sometimes when my WiFi network starts slowing down I quickly look at the graph to see if somebody has added a router on my channel, if so I simply change it and reboot the router and then reset the repeater and Bob is your Auntee....

    BTW: The repeater cost about R 700 from Game.

  6. #6
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    Thanks Guys, much appreciated...App downloaded and checking it out. Also trying Clive's solution

  7. #7
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    This is all possible by using an Android tablet or phone and a very clever bit of free software
    I got Apple

  8. #8
    Diamond Member
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    Apple, ag shame man, not only is Apple vrot but the 5S & 5C are said to be ultra vrot, and expensive to boot!

  9. #9
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fredster View Post
    We have 4 wireless devices in our office.
    What devices exactly and how do you have them configured?

    I tossed out my wireless base stations years ago as I didn't need them anymore, so I can't go checking the exact configuration on something to hand, but I do recall one station was set up as a master and the rest were set up as "slave stations" (or some terminology along those lines).

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by adrianh View Post
    Apple, ag shame man, not only is Apple vrot but the 5S & 5C are said to be ultra vrot, and expensive to boot!
    Nah - love my Apple products

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