My general principles for weight loss: You can't outexercise a bad diet, and you can't outdiet liquid calories.

My 5 steps:
1) cut out liquid calories. Drink only water, milk, unsweetened tea/coffee
2) cut out sugar and sugar containing foods. As a rule: If it comes from a factory instead of a farm, it probably has sugar in it. CHeck the ingredients on your foods and avoid things that have sucrose, sugar, dextrose, glucose, corn syrup, maltodextrin, maltose
3) cut down on starches (bread, pasta, potatoes and the like). If you are at goal weight, you shouldn't eat more than a fistful of starch a day (i.e. make a fist, that how much of a lump of potatoes/pasta/bread/etc you are allowed daily). If you trying to lose weight, rather cut out starches completely.
4) start a walking program. Start with something easy like 5 minutes 3 times a week. Walk in one spot in front of your TV if you don't like going outside. Build it up to 20 minutes per day.
5) if you fall off the wagon, dust yourself off, forgive yourself, and start again at step 1. You don't have to do all the steps immediately, you can implement them one by one.

Also recognize that it might take as long to lose weight as it took to gain weight.