Hello All,
As you will see if you check our profile, we are a small COID Agency that administrates accounts and so forth on behalf of Companies, Individuals and Medical Practitioners.
Over the last year, we have noticed an increased trend at the offices of the Compensationn Commissioner which requires you to hurry up and wait, the attitude of the staff if you can get through to the CALL CENTRE is at an all time low and not at all very helpful if you do not have a whole day to sit and wait for them to answer or decide to answer.
So, what we have done is we have contacted a number of high profile members in the Government Offices to try and assist us, we are initially starting a campaign in which we would like to mobilise and inform each and every company of their responsibilities and also remind the Compensation Commissioner that we all have a voice and we are not happy at the treatment that is dished out.
On the same note though, if you have a compliment to pay the office of the Compensation Commissioner, send it in we would love to hear the successes as well.
We plan on taking all the evidence we have gathered and the information to the MEDIA and have the matter and situation resolved at the Compensation Commissioner's office. Please if you would like to take part, you can forward your mails or letters and problems to us at info@calcha.za.org, with the subject WCA CAMPAIGN we will keep all information confidential and will not mention any names, it is part of our confidentiality agreement, unless of course you would like us to mention you. In which case, you can request this.
It is high time that service delivery from a forced registration became a priority, esp as it costs companies millions in wasted time, effort and production. We do thank you for taking the time to read and be a part of something - hence our company slogan "CREATING UNDERSTANDING"
Happy Greetings,
Calcha & Associates
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