This one might spark some debate:

We've been looking for a talented designer to join our team and we found one that piqued our interest. Coincidentally, we've also been looking for somebody to take over some of my roles in the business and we've found another potential candidate for that too. The only problem: they're best friends!

They've also both expressed interest in working for us as a team.

I'm just wondering whether this might not upset the dynamic of a very small team? The last thing you want is 50% of your team ruling the roost, so to speak.

That being said, it's quite obvious that they work extremely well together and complement each other very well, so it could possibly be a good thing.

My guess is that in a bigger environment with a larger team, it wouldn't make as much of a difference as it might in a very small team like ours currently is.

What are your thoughts?