Please can someone help me with where I would post Deposits received on Pastel partner. Also is there anyway of issuing two invoices to one person but keeping them totally unrelated?
Please can someone help me with where I would post Deposits received on Pastel partner. Also is there anyway of issuing two invoices to one person but keeping them totally unrelated?
Neville Bailey - Sage Pastel Accounting Consultant
IronTree Online Solutions
"Give every person more in use value than you take from them in cash value."
Flea28 (25-Apr-13)
Thank you for getting back to me. I work for a rental company and we issue the standard invoice evry month with the rental amount. we then also charge for additional service such as maintenance and drawing up new leases. I dont want these additional charges to show up on the same age analysis as the rental amounts. I want it kept seperate....because the people pay seperately for these services.
I suggest that you create two customer categories, one for each type of customer. Then create two accounts for each customer, one account going into the one category and the other into the other category.
Then, when you run your age analysis, you can filter it by category.
Neville Bailey - Sage Pastel Accounting Consultant
IronTree Online Solutions
"Give every person more in use value than you take from them in cash value."
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