Good Day
Is there some way that one can modify the customer statements in Pastel to show which invoices was paid for. At the moment my statements only show the invoices and then the amounts received. My customers wants to see exactly which invoices was paid and which ones are still due for payment. And because the totals are of various amounts I have to do a manual statement and study the bank statement to see which payment was for which invoice / invoices, It is quite a tedious job to do and I was hoping that Pastel can do that for me. I tried checking out the GL customer accounts but it generally shows the same thing. And for clients that are badly in arrears and who maybe has retainers it’s really hard so say that the 20 000 received was for this months or maybe last year Augusts invoice. Am I looking in the wrong place or is there some way that Pastel can recon the customer account automatically?
Kind Regards,
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