Hi, i have a question. I was a member of a CC for 12 years (owned 25%). In that time i loaned the company money which accrued to R200k as the company was continually struggeling. It's a family business. I've left the business due to a fall-out (as the other member would never take financial responsibility and also pay in monies when the company needed it) and the monies is still owing to me. On leaving i tried to get the Managing Member to sign an acknowledgement of debt, which she refused and said that she does not want to be held to a document that she cannot promise i will get my monies back, however that she would try and repay me by the end of the year. It's now been a year since and i'm no longer a member and i've not received one cent back despite the promise. What are my rights? Have I relinquished my right to get my monies back that i loaned by selling my shares or am i still entitled to take the remaining member to court. Ps. the managing member is my mother and i would assume that her word would have been good enough, however i've been seriously let down. The remaining managing member has now bought a house with company funds (so they company must be doing well). What should i do?
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