OSCARS - Obsessive's Compulsive Attack Response Syndrome:
The obsessive compulsive need to respond to an internet post from a stranger with personal attacks, absolute hatred and vile language

Following some of the latest news in South Africa (uncommon for me), I have come to the conclusion that people who are insecure with regards to their own beliefs / views, are the first to start attacking others.

I have moments that remind me of working for a manager when I was young and naive, who manipulated me emotionally and harrassed me sexually. He never could prove that I didn't do my job exceedingly well, but always made me feel like the dog's breakfast. I often used to wipe at my arms, because it felt like the 'proverbial' was lodging on my skin.

Nowhere is it more evident than on the internet. Do people really still think that they are anonymous infront of that screen?

Maybe that is the case, but I don't know, I think it's just part of a bigger problem, aka my pet hate 'lack of integrity'.

Or is it because the internet gave everybody a voice?

Truth, like breeding, will out.

Just because you can type, it does not mean you have to abuse the special @#&* characters (or the UPPERCASE!) .

* Rant Complete *