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Thread: Letter of Good Standing - Compensation Commissioner failure to issue

  1. #1
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    Letter of Good Standing - Compensation Commissioner failure to issue

    Good day,

    We are a full registered company with the Compensation Commissioner, and was given approval to pay the assesment fee on instalment basis
    It was a bit high, and I did not want to have cash flow problems, so applied to pay in instalments which was approved in July 2012

    Then, every month I would then get a letter of good standing for a month. That was ok, I understood then wanted to ensure I paid every moth

    But, problem started in late December 2012, I went on 27 December to get a renewal letter (after paying ofcourse), but was told thier systems were down and I should come back in the new year
    And I was even issued with a letter to confirm that their systems were down. Cool

    I went back on 02 December, same down and issued another letter. Happy

    I went back on 07 December to try my luck, again I was told systems still down, but this time NO letter could be issued to confirm such

    That's when my problems started, the company I do work for requires such a letter from vendors (including me) before any work can be undertaken
    This is to ensure that workers covered, in case something happens on site or road during work

    Now, I do not have a letter of goodstanding (it expired end of Dec 2012) and I have no letter to confirm that it was not issued as the Compensation Commisioner offices is having IT problems
    And as such, my client suspended the company due to "non complience" (the letter of goodstanding is a contractual requirement)

    I went back to the goverment to inform them of such, but no they says its not their problem and they will NOT issue a letter to confirm they having system problems
    And I have to wait until they come back online, when they don't know and they don't mind if I lose my contract

    What can I do?

  2. #2
    Silver Member Christel's Avatar
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    Ja nee, I believe there is not much you can do in this case... I mean, how lucky can one person be to be issued with a letter of good standing every month & the few occasions where they have issued you with a letter to confirm their systems are down..! Never heard of that in my life!... Eish, you should just keep on trying, I would (if you have the time obviously) try and phone them every hour until you get it! GOOD LUCK.
    always fear when Christel is near....

  3. #3
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    I think you should address a letter to the WComp Commissioner copied to the Minister of Trade & industry as well as Labour and lastly the company you do work for explaining your dilemma

    You do say that WCC accepted your moneys but were unable to issue you a letter. to the above attach the copy of the receipt of the moneys paid (CO'd) at a police station.

    this should convince all & sundry that you are in fact covered should there be some mishap. Insist to this company that you work for that they should accept this in place of that letter. See the very head of this company.
    My cents worth

  4. #4
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    Thanks flaker, I think I will have to do a letter to WComp Commissioner copied to the Minister of Trade & industry as well as Labour
    As for the company I work for, they have refused, I showed them proof of payments and my assessment letter (to prove that the installments paid equal the full amount due)
    But, still they refused on the basis that " their company policy and legislation states that I must produce a letter of good standing and not proof of payments". Even worse they say, the WComp Commissioner does not want to issue the letter confirming they WComp Commissioner have systems problems

  5. #5
    Diamond Member Justloadit's Avatar
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    The company that has refused to accept your receipt, is more concerned in the case that there is an injury on site. Ultimately they will be liable, simple because there is no letter of good standing on record. The fact that you were not able to obtain one, when it goes to a court of law, will not be sufficient evidence to the contrary.
    Victor - Knowledge is a blessing or a curse, your current circumstances make you decide!
    Solar pumping, Solar Geyser & Solar Security lighting solutions -

  6. #6
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    Yes, I do understand the companys point of view
    It's the goverment failure to be helpful that is so irritating

  7. #7
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Justloadit View Post
    The company that has refused to accept your receipt, is more concerned in the case that there is an injury on site. Ultimately they will be liable, simple because there is no letter of good standing on record. The fact that you were not able to obtain one, when it goes to a court of law, will not be sufficient evidence to the contrary.
    Actually, as long as there is an arrangement in place and the employer is keeping to the agreed payment schedule, Workmans Compensation will cover. And this would be provable. Typically there is a letter from WC setting out the details of the payment arrangement, and you would be able to submit the proof of payments.

    The hard truth is in companies with rigorous safety audits, the objective of "the company will not be liable for subcontractors' IODs" is not the objective that is running the show - it's the safety audit score. And the safety officer in charge's bonus is probably on the line.

    A classic case of "what gets rewarded gets done, no matter the consequences."

  8. #8
    Email problem Didditmiself's Avatar
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    I'm sure you meant 2nd Jan & 7th Jan?

  9. #9
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    In the self-same predicament here. Ours expired on 30 Nov 12 and I've been trying since then but no joy. Not even a reply, nor any indication that they've even read my repeated requests. Have requested around 10 times already via 3 email addresses as well as 3 fax numbers. No joy.

    What next?

  10. #10
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    U mean u sent email? Well, sad but reality is that emails to gov dept gets read once in who know how many days, if read at all
    Brace yourself for a very long and frustrating day and go there

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