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Thread: Pastel Partner Version 11-Help

  1. #1
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    Pastel Partner Version 11-Help

    How do I process Suppliers Expense Invoice on the Creditors Ledger on Pastel Partner as we pay these Suppliers on a 30 day basis less 2.5% discount. The Intergration should be:

    Debit the Expense Account (Supplier Invoice)
    Credit the Suppliers Account in the Creditors Ledger.

    I would appreciate it ,if someone can assist.

    Last edited by Dave A; 17-Dec-12 at 03:16 PM.

  2. #2
    Diamond Member Neville Bailey's Avatar
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    Hi Ramesh,

    Go to Process... Suppliers and the Supplier Invoice screen will appear.

    After completing the header information, select code 6 as the search type (GL code) and then browse for the relevant expense account. Fill in the amount and the VAT code (if applicable) and then update the batch.
    Neville Bailey - Sage Pastel Accounting Consultant
    IronTree Online Solutions

    "Give every person more in use value than you take from them in cash value."
    WALLACE WATTLES (1860-1911)

  3. #3
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    Pastel Partner Versionn11-Help

    I am New to Pastel ,I would appreciate it very much if somebody can advise Me on how to the following on Pastel

    1. Setting up Price list on Pastel. Under the Company Setup ,it gives me, the option of 9 price list but it only allows You to name the Pricelist e.g.
    Retail,Wholesale etc.but it does not allow You to actually draw up a Pricelist.
    I went to Edit....Inventory....Items and here it only allows to :
    Differentiate between Inventory and Service Item
    Allows you to put in the Cost Price,Selling Price ,reorder quantities per item.

    2.How I print report based on : Customer Analysis Code
    Cost Codes

    3.When setting up individual General Ledger Account Codes do I set the Vat code to default to 00 or to 01(14%)

    4.How do I set up and use the Tax Box and Tax Name Report.

    I would really appreciate any assistance from the Forum.

    Best Regards

  4. #4
    Diamond Member Neville Bailey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SILVERAY View Post
    1. Setting up Price list on Pastel. Under the Company Setup ,it gives me, the option of 9 price list but it only allows You to name the Pricelist e.g.
    Retail,Wholesale etc.but it does not allow You to actually draw up a Pricelist.
    As you have stated, the Company Setup only allows you to set up the names of up to 10 price lists. However, in order to populate these price lists, you need to open each inventory item record (under Edit...Inventory...Item File), and then go to the Prices tab. You will then see the 10 price list names, and you can then input either the VAT exclusive or VAT inclusive prices there, for each price list, for that inventory item.

    By the way, in Partner (not in Xpress), you can create more than 10 price lists if you want, e.g. you can create customer-specific price lists by going to Edit...Customers...Customer Prices.

    Quote Originally Posted by SILVERAY View Post
    2.How I print report based on : Customer Analysis Code
    Cost Codes
    For Customer Analysis Codes, go to View...Customers...Sales Analysis Codes and explore the various options there, or go to View...Customers...Analyse Sales...Sales by Sales Code.

    For Cost Code reports (now named Project reports), go to View...Projects. If you have purchased the Project Tracking add-on module, you get a whole lot more functionality and reporting options.

    Quote Originally Posted by SILVERAY View Post
    3.When setting up individual General Ledger Account Codes do I set the Vat code to default to 00 or to 01(14%)
    In general, I would not set any VAT code defaults at a general ledger code level, but rather use the various entry types (journals) to configure default VAT codes, which will override any defaults you set on individual GL accounts. However, sometimes it is useful to force a VAT code on certain GL accounts, such as loan accounts, which you want to be set as 00. In those cases, open the GL account and, at the bottom left, click on the drop-down arrow and select the Force Tax Type option and select 00 in the box to the right.

    Quote Originally Posted by SILVERAY View Post
    4.How do I set up and use the Tax Box and Tax Name Report.
    This can be quite involved, so I suggest that you read the online Help in this case, by going to Setup...Tax, selecting the Box Names tab and then pressing the F1 key.
    Neville Bailey - Sage Pastel Accounting Consultant
    IronTree Online Solutions

    "Give every person more in use value than you take from them in cash value."
    WALLACE WATTLES (1860-1911)

  5. #5
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    Hi The forum
    I really appreciate your response to my question however I have got 100 000 Inventory Items to TakeOn and to do this on Edit ... Inventory ...Items per Item is a major task. The other Programmes that I have worked with E.G. Syspro, SAPS etc have a facility whereby You can capture these Inventory Item with their:
    Inventory Type i.e Stock or Non Stock Item
    Cost Price
    Selling Price
    Re-order Levels

    to be captured on to an Excel Spreadsheet and Imported to the Software that yOU are working on . The same Principle applies to the Takeon of Inventory, DEBTORS, CREDITORS and CASHBOOK.

    Does Pastel have this facility and also from the Takeon of the Individual Selling Prices to produce a Consolidated Price List.

    I would really appreciate any advice on this.

    Best Regards

  6. #6
    Diamond Member Neville Bailey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ramesh View Post
    I really appreciate your response to my question however I have got 100 000 Inventory Items to TakeOn and to do this on Edit ... Inventory ...Items per Item is a major task. The other Programmes that I have worked with E.G. Syspro, SAPS etc have a facility whereby You can capture these Inventory Item with their:
    Inventory Type i.e Stock or Non Stock Item
    Cost Price
    Selling Price
    Re-order Levels

    to be captured on to an Excel Spreadsheet and Imported to the Software that yOU are working on . The same Principle applies to the Takeon of Inventory, DEBTORS, CREDITORS and CASHBOOK.

    Does Pastel have this facility and also from the Takeon of the Individual Selling Prices to produce a Consolidated Price List.
    Yes, it is possible to import both masterfile records, as well as take-on balances, into Pastel Partner, provided that the data is in the correct CSV file format.

    You can import various masterfiles by going to File...Export/Import, and then selecting the appropriate Import option from the drop-down menu.

    Take-on balances can also be imported into the relevant batches by opening a journal batch, and then clicking on the Batch button and selecting Import.

    The various prescribed CSV file layouts can be found by going to Help...Pastel Help and then, under the "Company Setup and Processing" section, go to "Exporting and Importing Data".
    Neville Bailey - Sage Pastel Accounting Consultant
    IronTree Online Solutions

    "Give every person more in use value than you take from them in cash value."
    WALLACE WATTLES (1860-1911)

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