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Thread: 6 months unpaid salary

  1. #1
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    6 months unpaid salary

    Hie There. I am in distress over unpaid salaries at my work place. The last 6 months they have been silent about why the company has been delaying with salaries. Well they only speak upon being approached by employees by saying that clients are not paying. I worked for the first 2 months before I informed them that I was unable to go to work because of living expenses. In the 6th month which is beginning of November, one mth salary was paid and I went back to work. At the end of November I awaited for all the salaries due and I only got one month "delayed" salary on the 9th of December. After communicating with them about salaries in arrears, they said they were calculating for the months I was in the office and they will not paying me for the months I was at home. What does the labour law in South Africa say about such instances where the employee is forced to stay home on account of the employer not paying salaries on time?. I am not seeking resignation as yet but to discuss with them amicably that I incurred expenses the time I was not at work (which is close to 3 months) as a result of exhaustion of my savings that I used to come to work. Your help is greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Diamond Member AndyD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gills View Post
    I am not seeking resignation as yet
    Firstly if the company wishes to shed staff you should be made redundant and should not have to resign. If you resign you won't qualify for any redundancy pay you should get and you won't be able to claim UIF.

    I'm not sure where you stand with the months you spent at home, maybe someone else has info about this.

    You've obviously approached the company and haven't resolved the issue so have you approached the CCMA about this? If not why not? Also if not then now would be a good time in my opinion.

    I have some questions please. How long have you been employed by this company? Are you full time with a contract of employment? Is the company paying your tax and UIF contributions?

    From what I understand of your post you've only been there for 6-8 months and the problem with late salary payments started immediately. If that is the case why would they employ staff if they knew they couldn't make the wages bill at the end of the month?


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    Gills (06-May-13)

  4. #3
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    Hi Andy. Yes the Company iis paying taxes and UIF. I have with the comapny for over 9 months and I did call CCMA and they told me to they do not handle such issues and I should go to Department of labour. I am a full time working staff with a fully signed contract. I am not sure if I understand the legal term 'redundancy'. Care to explainn

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