I have got to a stage with insurance companies that i will no longer waste my money on brokers, what i need is an attorney, why because "anything you say can and will be used against you in a claim" Broker dont have the backbone when it comes to claims. Think about, my wife and i pay a broker around R3000 per month for insurance, i have never been paid out a claim, there is always a story, i didnt read my policy properly, something i said made the assessor reject the claim, etc.
Surely if i pay an attorney like scorpion a monthly fee, lets say there is an advert for around R200 per month instead of paying a broker commission at least when i put in a claim the lawyer can handle the claim. The assessor can deal with the lawyer directly.
I have been speaking to lots of people on my daily rounds who are fishting for claims, due to water, the insurance comany responses vary from.
Sorry but we dont cover water which flows under your property, so the fact that your whole driveway has collapsed you are not covered.
or the roof is not covered due to lack of maintenance,
or we will pay out a "small percentage" of the claim because you did maintain the roof, but, will cover some of the water damage, but not all because you didnt put a cover over the roof when it began leaking.
The best so far is my claim, because my driveway is only 3 mm thick and not 5 mm thick, i dont have a claim.
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