Hi all
Hope you can help.I have a website and if I search just the name of the site it appears on the first page of google but if I search the name of my site with the .co.za extension I get no results what so ever.Any help please?
Hi all
Hope you can help.I have a website and if I search just the name of the site it appears on the first page of google but if I search the name of my site with the .co.za extension I get no results what so ever.Any help please?
When did you register the domain?
Google takes a while to update.
13/08/2012 The site is up and running traffic is coming through.Any ideas,I update my site map as soon as I have new product.
Claim your site on Google Webmaster Tools - the feedback is pretty good on how much of your site is indexed, and how it is performing on Google search.
Participation is voluntary.
Alcocks Electrical Services | Alcocks Pest Control & Entomological Services | Alcocks Hygiene Services
I have claimed it,and I am on google webmaster tools,google analytics and adwords but I still can find my site when I search with the .co.za extension,it's the weirdest thing.
Maybe you need a bit of link juice to kickstart things.
Add it to your signature for a bit.
Or do a TFSA blogpost about building the site, or why you believe there's a need for the site, or whatever, with a link or two to the site. (Part of the idea of the blog area was to give TFSA Locals more freedom to "express" themselves)
Participation is voluntary.
Alcocks Electrical Services | Alcocks Pest Control & Entomological Services | Alcocks Hygiene Services
Thanks for the suggestions.
What URL are you searching for? Let's see if we can see what's going on with it
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Yes please,www.spectratec.co.za if you search without the extension you will find it easily,PLEASE see what you can do
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