I searched the forum, but could not find the name. I noticed he is the latest flavor on YouTube, but seems more like a motivational speaker than a legal guru.

Anyone watched his videos yet? I would really like to hear if I am the only one questioning his arguments, as it seems everyone thinks he is the greatest thing since sliced bread.

I also noticed he is not counseling, which makes him a motivational speaker only?

Just to wet your appetite, he claims that only public servants can be addressed by the law.

Look at the capital letters.
DEAN CLIFFORD = legal person.
Dean Clifford = private individual.

All people in their legal person capacity is public servants, as when you register your birth, you get a birth certificate and therefore enter into an agreement with the Government as a public servant. There is various other documents that also make you a public servant, like a drivers license.

On the other hand, Government is the public servants of private individuals.
You are also a private person, not falling under the jurisdiction of the law/Government and in order for a court of law to prosecute you, the court of law must first be able to prove that at the time of the incident, you acted as public servant. This is according to him impossible in most instances and the court have no jurisdiction over you. That, in a nutshell, is my understanding of his arguments. Like all motivational speakers, he puts up a pretty good show and I would like to hear what real legal people think of his arguments.

What is going to happen in a court of law if my opening remarks is that I am not a public servant and therefore this court has no jurisdiction over me and I want the case thrown out on that basis? 30 Days psychiatric observation or Judge getting up and leaving the court room?