can someone please shed some light on this for me in terms of the CPA.
I have a young girl working for me who submitted an application to register with SACAP (south african council for the architectural profession) as a candidate draughtsperson in 2009. as she could then not afford the annual fees and her subsequent registration lapsed and she was deregistered by SACAP themselves in 2009.
I have now contacted SACAP as i would like to get her registered so she can start her 2 year mentorship under me. I am willing to pay for her costs of registration and annual fees. SACAP now tell me they will not register her until all oustanding fees for 2009 - 2012 are paid up! an amount of over R4000. if she has been deregistered in 2009 how can they charge fees for the subsequent years? i have taken it as far as i can with them and this was their reply
Dear Mr McInnes.
In terms of our Act (S20 (1)(a)(iii)) we can cancel the registration of the Professional should s/he fail to pay her/his prescribed annual fees within 60 days from it becoming due or within such period as the council may allow. In the current is was 22 June 2012. Read with S22 (3) which provides that we can only renew a person registration which was cancelled in terms of S20 if he/she has paid all outstanding fees.
Furthermore, it is within SACAP or Council discretion in terms of S20 (1)(a) to allow any fees payment after the expiry of 60 days set. Therefore, this is not a right that can be claimed by the professional but a privilege.
and then
Unfortunately she has to pay all outstanding amounts prior to re-registrations.
how can she be liable for outstanding amounts for years she was not even a member ??????
sure i'll pay for 2009 if i have to, when she didnt, but if they deregistered her in 2009 why should we pay anything else???
Many thanks
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