Guys,building links is the best. Like now i am on the marketing business. I accept link exchanges in my blog. Just contact me at virtuespower at g mail. com. The more we link, the better we gain traffic
Guys,building links is the best. Like now i am on the marketing business. I accept link exchanges in my blog. Just contact me at virtuespower at g mail. com. The more we link, the better we gain traffic
Building links with good sites is definitely a good strategy.
Do some research on your target audience and see what they do online (what sites they are spending most time on and such.)
Here are some of my suggestions: having a blog on your site and posting consistently on it as well as having social media accounts that you use to promote topic's on your site/blog.
you can also use p.p.c services such as Adwords and Facebook ads.
The main things to keep in mind is consistency as well as relevance to the platform.
You can also add a forum to your website, but be careful of spammers.
These are some ways to bring high traffic to website.
1. Advertise
This one is so obvious, we’re going to look at it first. Paid search, social media advertising and display advertising are all excellent ways of attracting visitors, building your brand and getting your site in front of people.
2. Get Social
It’s not enough to produce great content and hope that people find it – you have to be proactive. One of the best ways to increase traffic to your website is to use social media channels to promote your content.
3. Mix It Up
There is no magic formula for content marketing success, despite what some would have you believe. For this reason, vary the length and format of your content to make it as appealing.
4. Write Irresistible Headlines
Headlines are one of the most important parts of your content. Without a compelling headline, even the most comprehensive blog post will go unread. Master the art of headline writing.
5. Pay Attention to On-Page SEO
Think SEO is dead? Think again. Optimizing your content for search enginesis still a valuable and worthwhile practice. Are you making the most of image alt text? Are you creating internal links to new content? What about meta descriptions? Optimizing for on-page SEO doesn’t have to take ages, and it could help boost your organic traffic.
6. Target Long-Tail Keywords
Got your high commercial intent keyword bases covered? Then it’s time to target long-tail keywords, too. Long-tail keywords account for a majority of web searches, meaning that if you’re not targeting them as part of your paid search or SEO efforts, you’re missing out.
7. Start Guest Blogging
Before you say it – no, true guest blogging isn’t dead, despite what you may have heard. Securing a guest post on a reputable site can increase blog traffic to your website and help build your brand into the bargain. Be warned, though – standards for guest blogging have changed radically during the past eighteen months, and spammy tactics could result in stiff penalties.
8. Post Content to LinkedIn
LinkedIn has become much more than a means of finding another job. The world’s largest professional social network is now a valuable publishing platform in its own right, which means you should be posting content to LinkedIn on a regular basis.
9. Link Internally
The strength of your link profile isn’t solely determined by how many sites link back to you – it can also be affected by your internal linking structure. When creating and publishing content, be sure to keep an eye out for opportunities for internal links. This not only helps with SEO, but also results in a better, more useful experience for the user – the cornerstone of increasing traffic to your website.
10. Interview Industry Thought Leaders
Think interviews are only for the big leaguers? You’d be amazed how many people will be willing to talk to you if you just ask them. Send out emails requesting an interview to thought leaders in your industry, and publish the interviews on your blog.
Create a Google My Business Account
Perform On-Page SEO
Get Listed
Post to Social Media
Use Hashtags
Guest Blog
Im pretty shocked that this is still the answer to seo related questions for websites.
In the few years ive been in this industry the suggestions here were already old news and in those few years algorithms changed so many times. It will also continue to do so.
Google doesnt want people "knowing how to rank" it wants you to naturally acquire a good ranking.
Why? spammers and most businesses would if they knew a six or 30 point list to great seo would spam the serps all day long.
This means a bad user experience for search engine users, the people who get advertisers to pay google.
If they leave, advertisers leave and google is done.
So what does google do? They make it a constantly changing system and one on which they reveal very little even on the things about seo we do know they hardly ever say YES THIS WILL BOOST YOUR RANKING.
There is a much bigger picture behind seo than your little business the general webmaster needs to understand that google is protecting it assets.
The only way is providing "simply" a useful site one that would make a searcher say wow great answer google i will use you again.
The more users they have because of great search results (ie your website), the more advertisers they will get, the more money they make. In a nutshell thats what it all comes down to.
Give google good content and they will use your website to make their search engine look good.
Provided its needs to be marketed and shared but its so much easier promoting great content than "not so great content."
Graphic Design company in East London South Africa | Web design company in East London South Africa
" A plumbers tap always leaks " - Great advice from a forum member
Workshop, I have to agree with you there. What is the use of getting tons of traffic with a low coversion rate? Strategies for gaining lots of traffic must always be balanced with a solid strategy how you are going to convert the traffic into satisfied customers who will be happy to buy what you offer.
In my opinion, getting traffic is quite easy compared to a high conversion rate.
Traffic to your website is great, get as much you can. Just ensure that your ROI is turned into happy buying customers. With this balance you cannot lose!!
There are many ways to increase a website traffic without actually getting involved in black-hat seo practices. If you ask me, I would say "contents is king". Write more and more original contents, and try a bit further customizing every pieces of your article to search engines. That way, you are sure of getting influx of daily traffic from search engines.
Is this why spam websites dominate the serps? As I said before google a article top ten something then read through the first 10 results and you will realise some of them are copied ( grey/ black hat )
Do a back link search on said sites you will get many many Russian and other non English speaking countries linking to their site with exact match anchor text ( black hat link buying ).
Look up Web Design look at the footer and you will find most of the top ranker are duplicating pages just changing city names in every page ( also black hatting.)
Maybe one day Google will hit them with a algorithm like a they did with panda but its been three + years since anything big has happened. Thats enough time to build a second black hat site to rplace the old one IF it get penalised. You want to run a business based on top google rankings playing fair will put you on the back foot.
Its not pretty I used to complain about it all the time but it is how it is.
Graphic Design company in East London South Africa | Web design company in East London South Africa
" A plumbers tap always leaks " - Great advice from a forum member
it all depends on your content and the audience you provide it with, and growth will be appropriate
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