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Thread: hilti sales reps

  1. #1
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    hilti sales reps

    it seems hilti has a new system...where the reps have to contact all the customers on a list within a certail period of now i get missed calls from the rep i suppose it is a big improvement from their old system...where you want something you contact them...all i can say is my loyalties towards hilti and their great products and backup service have been over shadowed by their really bad selection of reps...

    the unfortunate reality of dealing with little people like every now and again we get involved in multimillion rand projects...which means that lots of money is spent on purchasing machines and consumables.

    so a tip for anyone who services small never know what impact that little guy has on other people in the industry especially when the little guys have been around for a could be the difference between a R50 order and a R100 000 order.

    i suppose hilti reps are so busy and make target every month they dont need to worry about the little guys.

    if you are looking for a good quality wall pugs and fasteners...had a look at some of these products...i will be contacting the rep...hopefully they need my bussiness.

  2. #2
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by murdock View Post
    all i can say is my loyalties towards hilti and their great products and backup service have been over shadowed by their really bad selection of reps...
    Bad because they don't call, or because they have halitosis?

  3. #3
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    i havent had that problem with the rep...could it be that i have that issue?...maybe i should ask.

  4. #4
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    I can't say there was anything wrong with the Hilti reps that used to visit me
    I was just wondering why you felt the Hilti reps were bad...

    I guess they stopped visiting me because I wasn't a big enough buyer, but to my mind I wouldn't hold it against them.

  5. #5
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    i dont expect them to visit or call or miss call me every 2 weeks or months etc...what gets my back up is when i want to buy a product and request a demo...or like when i purchased my gas gun...paid R14000 incuding addtional gas cartriges etc for it...but to get the rep to show me what fasteners are available...i waited for 2 years...the rep left and now 3 years later i am still waiting for the nails....

    i now have an online account so i can order i dont even have to deal with the reps...but i am still old school i like to look...touch and see it work...then buy...i do on the odd accassion go to their local branch which unfortunetly has hardly any stock...i have a fair amount of hilti machines...but since this problem with the reps and constant turnover of hilti reps..they keep changing reps...i have decided to start looking elsewhere...i have been researching UPAT products which use to purchase from many years ago...and just spent over R60 000 on makita products which i didnt want to do because their warranty and backup service sucks...i must say their chippers work great i just hope we dont have any problems with them.

    as i mentioned early is clear to me that hilti doesnt need to bother with little companies like mine...i am disappointed considering the amount of money i have spent with them...for example...a R10 million project where they were giving us machines because of the quanitity of fastners drill bits etc we were purchasing.

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    Dave A (15-Jun-12)

  7. #6
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    soemthing i would like to add...fischer plugs are way better to use than hilti least you can remove them once you have hit it in...the hilti plugs have a PH head...the fischer plugs have a PZ head which actuallty comes out...sometimes it pays to try something completely might just be pleasantly suprised at how well other products work.

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