I live on a residential fram Estate near Somerset West and had my borehole water tested recently. I note that the pH of my water is 5.7 but my major concern is the high iron content: 1.71 mg/l

Currently I am only using my borehole water for irrigation, but would like to have it backfed into my house for domestic use. I am concerned about the high iron content that it may stain pipes, bathrooms etc. and believe that there are automatic systems available for the removal of the iron to make it suitable for domestic use.

Believe me, I'm no technical wizz and a couple of guys suggested that I install a manganese dioxide filter and what not (all sounds space aged to me), but the quoted prices for these systems run around R30000+ for these installations. Surely there should be cheaper alternatives or am I missing the boat on this one? If anyone has knowledge of this or could direct me to someone that might assist, I would be grateful.