View Poll Results: Have you received your W.As.8 Return of Earnings yet?

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  • No

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Thread: Return of Earnings (WCC/ COIDA)

  1. #1
    Silver Member Christel's Avatar
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    Return of Earnings (WCC/ COIDA)

    Hi there,
    I would like to know if anybody has received any W.As.8 Return of Earnings yet?
    I phoned WCC on the 9th March and they said that they are still deciding when the due date will be (normally 31 March every year)... I have not heard anything w.r.t. these and no forms has been received either...

  2. #2
    Email problem
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    Hi there

    I also haven't received my Return of Earnings as yet.
    What I would like to know if we will be responsible for interest and penalties for late submissions because of this?

  3. #3
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    No return received yet, and according to last year's notice:

    If the return is not submitted to this office on or before 31 March 2011, a penalty not exceeding 10% of the final assessment may be imposed in terms of section 83(6)(b).
    I received last year's notice on 29th March 2011, completed and posted it off on 30th March 2011, and when I eventually received my assessment was hit 10% for late submission.

    But then that's supposed to be my fault because according to the same notice:

    Kindly take note that the return of earnings, W.As.8, is mailed to all registered employers in the beginning of the year. The onus is on the employer to notify my office by the 1st of March if the return of earnings form has not been received. Forms are available on the website.
    Have you notified WCC that you have not received your form yet?
    And I've checked - the last W.As.8 form on the Dol website at the moment is for the 2010 year - last modified 2011-11-06.

    Unfortunately the Workmans Compensation Commissioner believes in time travel. As proof I tender my last assessment received.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	wca-late-assessment.jpg 
Views:	1417 
Size:	30.0 KB 
ID:	2434

    Date of Notice: 05.12.2011
    Due date: 04.01.2012
    Posted by registered mail on: 19.01.2012
    Received by me on: 24.01.2012

    How the heck was I supposed to pay this by 4th January 2012?

    They really need a serious wake-up call.

  4. #4
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    Ditto all the above. Have exhaustively trolled through their website for the latest form, but it's hopeless. Nothing there but last years. Also, submitted last years around 8 or 9 March (actually got the form on time, surprise surprise) but have been slapped with late submission anyway. Sucks.

  5. #5
    Silver Member Christel's Avatar
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    We have numerous problems with WCC and it's no use to object against anything as they don't correct anything or waiver penalties & interest like SARS. I have the 2011 final 2012 provisional W.As.8 in Excel format if anybody is interested...(and can tell me how to upload the doc).. but it would be no use to complete and post to them, as they have changed to a new system and if you don't have your new ref number... they might just end up losing your form ...

  6. #6
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    The Workmans Compensation return of earnings thread had sprung to life on this too, and the news is deeply disturbing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ivan View Post
    Hi All

    Yes its that time of the year again, yes no new return of earnings forms has been sent out as yet, as according to some officials at the Fund they looking at rolling out the new system on the 17th of April similar to e-filing, I doubt it will happen, but lets wait and see.
    Yes penalties will be charged at 10%, irrespective as the system calculates the penalty , totally unfair I know, but thats the Fund for you.
    Im almost certain the 2011 return will differ from the 2010, so rather not send that form in.

    I will try and obtain more info from the Fund later today and will post accordingly.
    First, thanks to Ivan for his efforts

    But this situation is totally unacceptable. It's not just penalties on the line with this maladministration, it's no claim bonuses too.

    If anyone has the reach to escalate this to the attention of someone who can do something about it, please do.

  7. #7
    Diamond Member wynn's Avatar
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    This is another one of the reasons businesses are loathe to employ people instead of outsourcing.

    Make a list of all the crap and hoops you jump through when you are an employer and if the returns are not really handsome why would you bother?
    "Nobody who has succeeded has not failed along the way"
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  8. #8
    Bronze Member Fanie's Avatar
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    Dave A, you exterminate pests don't you ?

    Make a list of all the crap and hoops you jump through when you are an employer and if the returns are not really handsome why would you bother?
    Correct. Considering when someone starts working in your business they kind of like own part of it already. Over and above the fact that they seem to think they can supplement their income from the business.

    Look, people will have to begin to understand that there is a reason why things are done as they are. Late forms but you pay penalties. Use your own money against you.

    Invade everything that works, create a problem, then 'solve' the problem with some cripple technique that is not at your advantage... but it sounds logic. EVERYTHING in SA is done this way because the infrastructure has to be broken down so the power goes out of the hands of the people into the hands of the eh eh eh government. They want full control over every one and everything. Whether they are competent or not and if they destroy anything that works is not important, they want full control at any and all cost.

  9. #9
    Bronze Member Fanie's Avatar
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    The wife said it was announced on radio that 440 000 businesses closed down last year. Yet the load gets more and more by things like the toll roads, power costs etc etc etc all under the fallacy of 'job creation' and 'new businesses'. It's not going to happen.

    Worry about late forms or late returns ? Nah. Maybe they expect the genocide to take place soon and they want to save the printing costs of the forms. Won't surprise me one bit.

  10. #10
    Email problem
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    Hi all,
    On a similar note - we have NEVER been posted ANYTHING or e-mailed ANYTHING from WCC in the 4 years of business.... When we enquired as to what the hell was going on we had to pay penalties and all sorts of charges that they suddenly "came up with". I have paid all of the above and have been waiting 5 months for a letter of good standing. When we phoned them again to ask for this letter they stated that there was a return missing. We told them on 5 separate occasions that all forms had been filled in and submitted. On all 5 occasions they told us - oh, yes, I see we've received them but there is one missing - WHICH THERE ISN'T - but they can't tell us WHAT is missing because when we explain what they are looking at (their own forms) they say "oh yes, okay, we will sort it out". I'm still waiting. I am now getting my friend, who is a CA to phone them to find out why we still have not received our letter of good standing. Not to mention that I'm not holding my breath for the submission forms either - I may suffocate! It is extremely frustrating - and actually worse to deal with than SARS. ARG.

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