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Thread: A Quick Question for the HR Folks - What's the Definition of a Calendar Month?

  1. #1
    Bronze Member rfnel's Avatar
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    A Quick Question for the HR Folks - What's the Definition of a Calendar Month?

    Hi Guys

    The thread title says it all. Is a calendar month always from the 1st until the 1st, or can it run from any day of the month to the same day in the following month?
    Last edited by rfnel; 08-Mar-12 at 02:53 PM. Reason: Fixed a typo.
    "Fortune favours the bold" - Virgil
    Riaan Nel
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  2. #2
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    As in "one calendar month's notice" perhaps?

    Normally this implies a full calendar month is included in the notice period. Normally notice served on the 1st of the month for termination on the last day of the month will be accepted.

    If notice is served on (for example) 15th January, one calendar month's notice implies the last day of employment is the last day of February. One month's notice would be 14th February. (And 30 day's notice would be the 13th February )

  3. Thanks given for this post:

    rfnel (07-Mar-12)

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